Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Marc Miethe
  • Male
  • Berlin
  • Germany
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Marc Miethe's Connections

  • André Knöfel
  • Arjopa
  • Christian Noçon
  • Willi Grimm
  • LOOPING jaw harp orchestra
  • Dan Moi
  • frank heinkel
  • Horst
  • Wolfhard Barke
  • Papi Moreno
  • Wolfgang Saus
  • Daniel Pircher
  • Vladiswar Nadishana
  • Jonathan Cope
  • Miroslav Grosser

Marc Miethe's Page

Profile Information

About me:
Since 1992 I keep on confronting musicians from the Jazz, Club or World Music circuits and try liberating mankinds oldest known wind instrument, elevating the Didgeridoo from it’s image of being an "accompanying drone instrument" into a new status.

I play tribal-Yidaki-Techno-Funk & ethno-Didgeridoo Big-Beats with DIDGES BREW (www.didgesbrew.de, www.myspace.com/didgesbrew) and Didge..Bass..beats with BOOBINGA (www.myspace.com/boobinga) and do my Solo performances. Previously played with the bands Circular Breathing or Peshkar. In 1999 I co-founded the intercultural Berlin musicans network Cross Culture Music

With my fresh and extraordinary skills and a lot of taste and humor, it is my aim to explore the multiple possibilities of this simple wooden tube. “To expose its qualities as a mouth percussion instrument“. Respecting the Aboriginal traditions, I rather rely on rhythmical traditions from Africa, Asia, Latin-America and India. I transform Percussion Vocalizations, as well as HipHop influenced Beat Box Styles and Jazz Scat improvisations onto the didge.

The tunable Trombone Didge (I use the Didgeribone) is allowing me to produce "wicked" sounding melodic bass lines as well as weaving virtuous Breakbeats into a full spectrum of driving rhythmic and exotic sound scapes.


“... a real discovery ... absolutely convincing interpretation of the term "World Music" ... Marc Miethe plays (the Didge) with intensity and wealth of invention which is hard to match ... far and away from Folk Music and you know that the association with "Bitches Brew" by Miles Davis is absolutely right when drums, percussion and samples join in: this is Ethno-Jazz for the 21st century ... Didges Brew create a truly organic fusion of different music Styles and the simple wooden tube is always leading.“ (D. Neueste Nachrichten, 2003)

„...a real bomb!...“ (sonomag.de, 2004)

"...brilliant..." (Berliner Morgenpost, 2005)

„...world music in new dimensions...“ (HNA Kassel)

„...groove, with five „o“! ... a master of mouth percussion“ (Badische Zeitung)


My Didgeridoo workshops are made up for beginners, advanced and the very advanced! Explore the widely-scattered possibilities from the simple wooden-tube and it's qualities as a mouth percussion - Instrument. With a lot of humor and a wide range of exercises, sounds and rhythms we will develop the first clear and powerful basic drone to varied sounds, the unspectacular Circular Breathing to sly rhythms and very percussive styles. For the experienced players, performing on stage or also teaching, I have a lot of tips and continually fresh grooves.

As a trained body-psycho therapist I want to share my knowledge with you about the way that I and many of my students attained a more powerful, precise, faster, more varied and at the same time considerably more relaxed way of playing. Lets find out why "the body in the real instrument", how diaphragm support, the embouchure at the mouthpiece and a proper modulation and compression of the air might help you. To translate playing onto paper, I use a notation which matches as exactly as possible what I'm actually doing with my tongue, for example.

What you might learn ... as beginner

- brilliant, powerful basic drone without not intended noise
- loud, but at the same time relaxed playing
- singing, precise harmonics / overtones
- varied basic sounds with belly, voice, throat, cheeks, jaw, lips & tongue
- Circular Breathing techniques
- basic rhythms, pattern, Rhythm components
- foundation of Rhythm notation

Tips about: history, instrument tuning, maintenance, building Didgeridoos by yourselves

... as advanced and professionals

- further Circular Breathing skills ("out-pop" breathing, tongue bottom), Breathing economy
- connecting sounds & fast power rhythm didgeridoo
- On-Beat&Off-Beat for the didge
- Rhythm training & timing exercises
- Rhythm “filling in / cleaning out”
- break beat techniques, cutting sounds
- sly rhythms, 2/4, ¾, 4/4, 5/4, 6/8, 7/8, 7/4, …
- connecting the „toot“-sounds with the basic drone
- basis for improvisation, free playing
- piece building, arrangement, energy, big cycles, effective dynamic changes
- speech / vocal rhythms from various parts of the world
- impulses to find your own style
- trombone didgeridoo / slide didgeridoo techniques and melody lines
- band communication, playing with other instruments

Tips about: didgeridoo Recording, live technique, stage situation, impulses for didgeridoo teachers, teaching methods.
As a band we are:
Marc Miethe Solo "TOOBES"
Didges Brew: http://www.didgesbrew.de
BIOS: http://www.flintholm.com/music/bios
Marc: Didgeridoo, small percussion, Fujara, bass
Tayfun: drums, percussion
Henning Flintholm: keys, flute
so many

Comment Wall (11 comments)

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At 11:13pm on October 7, 2010, Matt Reece said…
Hello Marc, where can I get a copy of your music?
At 5:48pm on October 24, 2009, Jens Mügge said…
Hi Marc, hab grad euren kreativ Output auf reverbnation gesehen ... und höre grad rein in deine Musik. Am 14. November bin ich nicht in Berlin, sonst würd ich wohl kommen. Liebe Grüße, Jens

At 4:46pm on October 20, 2009, kiva simova said…
Hi Marc,
Although I'm not a didg player, I've improv sung a lot with them, as a polyphonic overtone singer. Have done live improv with Tanya Tagaq, Wimme, lots of others. I could probably learn quite a bit from you in regards to percussive singing and breathing, etc.
If you're interested in hearing some innovative overtone music, I'm coming to do a solo show in Berlin- Tues, Nov 17th at Dodohaus (Huttenstr 30). I play keyboards/ sing with world beat/ jazzy/ experimental originals.
It would be great to meet you and discuss what we could work on together.
All the best,
At 1:29pm on February 26, 2009, Arjopa said…
Shagaa Bile lieber Marc!!

Wir wünschen Dir & Deiner Familie alles Gute, Gesundheit, und viel Erfolg
für all Deine Projekte in diesem Butter & Sahne Jahr der Erdkuh!!

Shagaa Bile!!

Khoomei Kehlgesangs Country Punk Grüße von

Arjopa & Ulike

At 6:34pm on January 13, 2009, Arjopa said…
Hallo lieber Marc!!
Wollten uns , nach längerer OMN-Abstinenz mal wieder zurückmelden!!
Finden Deine Mukke immernoch Klasse!!
Wünschen Dir & Deiner Familie alles Gute, viel Erfolg & vor allem Gesundheit für das neue Jahr!!

Hoffen, daß Dir unser Khoomei Kehlgesangs Country Punk immernoch gut gefällt!!

Beste Grüße!!

Arjopa & Ulike

At 8:32am on October 19, 2008, OMN said…
Hello Marc,
once again you are welcome on OMN - for more infos about OMN see your Options and read my latest blog post OMN and its Growth - be Part of It - and please share some contributions. If you are a musician, we are happy to listen to some of your tunes, if you are an artist, we appreciate your artwork and if you are a lover of overtone music feel free to add upto 100 songs from our network to your page. Sundra painted a Mandala OM which reveals this kind of relationsships and connectivity. It is added on ipeace.me and CFT

OMN network asks that you respect the guidelines of this network. Last but not least invite your friends and people who enjoy your songlist!
Stay tuned,
Jens - Founder of OMN
At 11:54am on May 25, 2008, LOOPING jaw harp orchestra said…
Hi Marc,

thanks a lot for adding me.

All the best
At 2:08pm on May 22, 2008, Jonathan Cope said…
Hi Marc, nice to hear from you and look forward to seeing you in Portugal.
At 9:40am on May 22, 2008, Vladiswar Nadishana said…
hey man how it's going? nice to see you here!
At 9:52am on May 17, 2008, OMN said…
Welcome Marc,
it is a great honour that your are member #170 of Overtone Music Network. Thanks for join our community and see you with Didge Brew on 30th May 2008,

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