Mantra for spiritual release | Om Ganga Maiya by Mantra Circle
Om Ganga MaiyaJai Shri LakshmiJai Maharaniperformed by Sonya – vocals, ukuleleShivaprem – djembeThis mantra stands for purity, blessing and spiritual renewal...
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Hi, Dana Gita !
We are currently doing three "gregorian choral" songs in the Overtonechoir Spektrum here in Prague.
I would *LOVE* Spektrum to meet with You one day, so that You could give us tips on how to properly make nice subtle overtones on the *wovels* of that latin text!
Please, just let me know if You would go somewhere near Prague (like for example Liberec - the Bohemia Cantat festival). :-)
willkommen! Ich freue mich, dich hier wiederzusehen.
Kailani Simone
I love Thy gentle style of overtonesinging on text !
I was very positively shocked by style of Thine, at Bohemia Cantat in Liberec(CZ), 2005 or 2006.
Thank Thee that Thou art.
vielen Dank dafür, dass du dich hier zeigst. Gut schaust du aus. Hab dich noch in sehr guter Erinnerung aus unserer gemeinsamen Ausbildung bei Wolfgang. Wenn du Fragen zu diesem Netzwerk haben solltest, zögere dich nicht, dich bei mir zu melden.
Love - Jens