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Andrey Vinogradov
  • Male
  • Moscow
  • Russian Federation
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Andrey Vinogradov's Connections

  • Arjopa
  • Danny - Baba Didg
  • Raphael De Cock
  • Jens Mügge

Andrey Vinogradov's Page

Profile Information

About me:
Born in 1959 in Ekaterinburg (Northern Ural), Andrey Vinogradov has studied and been exposed to a variety of musical genres, everything from classical jazz to jazz-rock. He has now settled down in folky niche, where he creates his classic but unique blend of sounds.

He graduated with highest honors from the Moscow Gnessin Music College and completed his education at Gnessin Academy of Music. Later, as part of well-known Russian jazz-rock group The Arsenal, directed by revered saxophonist Alexei Kozlov, he recorded two LPs, The Second Wind and Pulse 3, which were later released on the CDs Time-scorched III and Time-scorched IV (1997-1998). Ever since his youth, Andrey's goal has been to create innovative unions between the most diverse of musical genres by combining elements of classical, jazz and folk music.

In 1996 he composed a series of songs to the verses of Russian modernist poets Soloviov, Blok, Voloshin, and Akhmatova among others. The result was a CD entitled Dryad's Songs featuring the vocals of Galina Lipina and Ivan Smirnov's guitar playing.

Since Andrey became interested in Russian traditional folklore, he has restored a lot of unique recordings of anonymous rustic musicians. The immersion into the depths of the Russian traditional music culture inspired him for an attempt to blend the authentic folklore samples into keyboard-driven electronic-based ambient textures in the Sokol project.

In the CD Iliya Murometz Andrey combines old Russian tunes into neo-traditional compositions, drawing new life from ancient tones. Here he appears both as an arranger and performer of Russian traditional folk tunes, playing rylia (Russian hurdy-gurdy traditionally used by strolling beggars).

In 2003 Ethnomirages project was created. It is penetrated with various musical intonations: Arabian, Turkish, Tuvinian as well as Serbian, Celtic and Armenian threaded into modern ethno-techno tissue.

The project Daylight Breath - several preludes for piano & strings - was inspired by Andrey's Scandinavian journey in 2005. Its music is both fascinating and soothing.

The latest project Russian Hurdy-Gurdy Tunes is dedicated to kolesnaya lyra (organistrum, hurdy-gurdy) - an old musical instrument used by strolling beggars throughout Ukraine, Byelorussia and some regions of Russia. This project containes traditional tunes, songs, and sacred chants from various regions of Russia, arranged and performed by Andrey Vinogradov (voice & hurdy-gurdy).
As a band we are:
Andrey Vinogradov - hurdy-gurdy, voice, Sergey Vinogradov - keyboards, Masha Vinogradova - buffalo drum
Russian traditional music

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At 5:19pm on March 17, 2009, Arjopa said…
Privjet Andrey!!
Spasibo boshoije za add & your friendship,here!!
We still love your wonderful hurdy gurdy tunes very much!!

Hope you still like our Khoomei Throatsinging Country Punk,too

Greetings from Berlin!!

Arjopa & The Master U-like

P.S.: Do you have any relatives in Berlin? Cause last year I played at a Galerie Vinogradov, here in Berlin.
At 9:37pm on March 15, 2009, Jens Mügge said…
Hello Andrey,

thanks that you followed my invitation and welcome to OMN! If you have any questions please check out the FAQ and if you have any issues you always can send a message to the admin team with this form.

All the best,
At 10:08pm on March 10, 2009, Danny - Baba Didg said…
I like very nice instrument and song
i collect and invent musical instruments '
i wish i had a hardy gurdy to my work
iwork with children with "specail" need with music and instrument i creat
Where can i buy a simple one ?
thanks for music

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