a common space & database for harmonic overtones
Thanks to our friend Seralf I have tried Livid Looper, an open source software (Mac and Win) for real time looping, designed in Max/MSP 5 visual programming environment. It allows to create and to manage at most 6 loops, using audio file or recording in real time, MIDI controller and OSC devices. It means that people can play with multiple computers on separate interfaces controlling a single server computer, so it is possible to create a computer music band.
Each loop module shows many controllers, a multi-filter bank, delay, pan, pitch and so on, but the most interesting are a Ring Modulator, a Grain, a Degrade, an Envelope and the VST plugin downloading.
I don't use loop in real time, so I need more time to understand all the functions of this software, but it is very pleasant. A little problem for me can be the fiked size of each module, what a pity!
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