Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Kolja Simon
  • Male
  • Löhne
  • Germany

Kolja Simon's Connections

  • Priska van den Heuvel
  • Heidi Lieser
  • Julia Zech
  • Alexander Glenfield
  • Robert Lipfriend
  • Sarah Hopkins
  • Egschiglen
  • DidgeJo
  • Hopsi
  • Kirsten Kluin
  • Alexandre Viain / Jeevan Mukti
  • SoRIAH
  • Arjopa
  • Heidi Scherngell

Overtone Underground

Welcome to Kolja Simon from AlienVoices

Kolja Simon, born 1973 in Hamm, examined tones that were contents of other sounds and noises from childhood on. For instance in a car or train he could observe various sounds and tones separately and could train his sense of hearing this way. Also his interest in other cultures and their music is extremely distinct, so Kolja travelled to countries like Brazil (Samba and Foho), India (Sitar Tabla Festival) and Hawaii (Sufi chantings). He is influenced by yodelers in the Alps and many others of the cultures in Europe he has visited.

Then, in his work as a shepherd, farmer, bricklayer or carpenter, there were so many natural sounds inspiring and fascinating to listen while operating the machines that Kolja's sense of hearing specialized more and more in part-tones and layered timbres. So he started to sing with the machines and filtered out the overtones and harmonics. When he got to know the asian throat singing style from Tuva, Mongolia, Siberia, Tibet, he immediately started to learn this vocal techniques, to improve them and to develop own styles.
Since 2002 he is a member and solo singer of the overtone-choir of Christian Bollmann. 2005 musical trip through Mongolia with Hosoo (the highest distinguished throatsinger and cultural director of Mongolia) 2006 project with Thomaner- choirs in Leipzig, various projects from the genre of new music with the Westphalian philharmonic orchestra, the cities of Bielefeld, Herford, Munich, Eifel and Osnabrück. Some bandprojects from the genre of world music, rock, techno, with concerts in Cologne, Masuren, at the Lake of Constance and on other German locations and in the French Alps. Sometimes in churches, caves, water tanks and other places with interesting acoustics. 2006 founding the throatsingband AlienVoices with Felix Mönnich.

Profile Information

About me:
Felix and me we founded 2006 "AlienVoices".
We are a tecno-throatsing-duo with electronic beats.

As a band we are:
Dead Kennedys, Hooso, Huun-Huur-Tu, Klaus Nomi, Chigilchin, AlienVoices...

Kolja Simon's Photos

Kolja Simon's Groups

Comment Wall (29 comments)

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At 3:30pm on September 16, 2011, Heidi Lieser said…
Thank you, Kolja.It is nice to meet you here!
At 1:40am on September 2, 2010, Candida Valentino said…
Hi Kolja, hope you and your Alien voices are well and creatively harmonicallly flowing.
We have some new songs now which are on our new CD Chintamani.
Will be playing in Turin with our teacher Tserendavaa at end of October.
Be well

At 12:31am on March 28, 2010, Sarah Hopkins said…
Hi Kolja,
Thanks for connecting with me....via the sound waves ! Sorry for my delay in responding...I've been away on a couple of big Performing tours...
I've enjoyed listening to your overtone singing : beautiful !
I look forward to meeting you in person one day. Sonic Blessings, Sarah
At 8:42am on January 14, 2010, Jens Mügge said…
Hallo Kolja, ... gern, zumal du zweimal in deinem Status Update gepostet hast: New Song! Wann gibst denn die erste Alien Voices CD. Meine nächste Oberton Sondersendung im Woodroot Web Radio soll eine Zusammenstellung mit "experimenteller (Oberton-)Musik" werden und ich suche jetzt schon Stücke dafür. Liebe Grüße grad aus dem schönen NRW Lipper-Land bei den Externsteinen. Bis denne und vielleicht schon auf bald, Jens
At 12:34pm on December 18, 2009, Pedro ESPI-SANCHIS said…
Hello Kolja,

Good to hear from you and your amazing technique. I see you worked with an harmonic flute in the improvisation and doing the sub-tonic voice as well as the overtone... great. Madosini also does "under-tone Xhosa style. See if you can catch the last two shows of Madosini and friends today and on Sunday. See Klangkosmos festival. Meanwhile here is a video link.
At 8:42pm on December 1, 2009, papajeahja Sandy Kühn said…
Ich find deine Musik ober ober klasse....
At 3:32am on July 8, 2009,
Jan Heinke
hi kolja,
finds gut, daß wir uns mal begegnet sind. und der anlaß war ein sehr schöner. hab dieses festival zu ersten mal erlebt und sehr genossen. es war
mehr als interessant, ein paar flüchtig aus dem netzwerk bekannten gesichtern direkt zu begegnen. wünsch mir mehr davon.
At 3:16pm on June 11, 2009, Barbara Lübben said…
Hei Kolja,
bei dir / euch lausche ich doch immer wieder gern. Wann singen wir mal wieder zusammen? Habe gerade open source von damals hochgeladen...
Bis bald am versteinerten Watt
At 1:15pm on February 26, 2009, Arjopa said…
Shagga Bile lieber Kolja!!

Wir wünschen Dir & Deiner Famile alles Gute, Gesundheit & viel Erfolg
bei all Deinen Projekten in diesem fruchtbaren Butter & Sahne Jahr der Erdkuh!

Shagga Bile!!

Khoomei Kehlgesangs Country Punk Grüße aus Berlin!!

Arjopa & The Master U-like

At 3:46am on January 31, 2009, Ballog said…
Hallo Kolja; danke für deine Freundschaft! Mir scheint du bist ein Freund der "Greifer" und nicht nur einer, der außergewöhnliche Musik macht. Hatte in meiner Jugend einen Turmfalken aufgezogen, der mich überall hin begleitete. Beide waren wir dicke Freunde un die Berge warern unsere Welt. Irgendwann verabschiedeter "Wichtel" sich einfach und das war gut so. Bis demnächst im Radio - Ballog
(Eure CD aktualisiere ich in der CD/Alben-Liste bald)

At 11:42am on January 10, 2009, Arjopa said…
Hallo lieber Kolja!!
Herzlichen dank für Deine Freundschaft!!
Eure Alien-Voices Mukke ist echt toll!!

Hoffen, daß Dir auch unser Khoomei Kehlgesangs Country Punk gut gefällt!!

Beste Grüße aus Berlin!!

Arjopa & The Master U-like
At 1:03pm on September 8, 2008, kiva simova said…
Thanks for your comment, but unfortunately I cannot come to the festival on Sept 20. I will be in Prague then. I hope to meet you soon in future!
At 4:45pm on August 8, 2008, Fuyuki Yamakawa said…
Hello Kolja,
Thank you for adding me to your friends! I am going to make new recording next month. so I`ll post it here when it`s done.
At 11:59am on July 28, 2008, Raphael De Cock said…
thanks for the nice comment Kolja!


At 10:11pm on July 3, 2008, Lorenzo Melodioso said…
Oh yeah, the Dead Kennedys!
At 12:59am on June 5, 2008, Max Brumberg said…
yeah man alien voices rocks!!!

hmmm wollte nach der sonnenwende an den externsteinen eigentlich in den sueden aber das obertonfestival lockt ja auch ;-)

At 12:13pm on May 16, 2008, LOOPING jaw harp orchestra said…
Hallo Kolja,
Kompliment zurück. Sehr feine Musik!
At 3:43pm on May 15, 2008, Dieter Wienand said…
Mit einem kräftigem "Möööh" grüße ich zurück-du weißt schon :-)Danke für Deine Einladung.Erwidere ich gerne.
Gute Stimmung wünscht Dieter
At 11:45am on May 15, 2008, Waskhar Schneider said…
Ahoi Kehle,
Hab´ein bisserl gebraucht, um hier anzukommen... Schön, dass Du da bist! Ach, und übrigens: Herzlichen glückwunsch nachträglich!
und übrigens2: Schöne aufnahme von Marc und Dir. höre ich da nicht auch im Hintergrund Moorinchuur? Christuskirche? Egschiglen und wer sonst noch alles da war...
At 11:46pm on April 26, 2008, Mark van Tongeren said…
Hi Kolja, nice sounds and fantastic pix! FLying higher and higher..

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