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Started Jun 22, 2013
Started this discussion. Last reply by Martin Philippe Jan 2, 2011.
Kiva Simova is a Canadian overtone singing teacher, composer, conductor, keyboardist (based in Toronto as of April 2017) with international recognition as a western pioneer, combining overtone singing with world beat/ jazz/ pop/ experimental/ new classical music. She is frequently called upon for live and recorded vocal improvisation with other artists. These include Tanya Tagaq (Inuit throat singer), Lisa Walker (improvisation with whale song), The Yellow Sisters, New Millennium Orchestra, Olla Vogala Orchestra, The Ormidales, Live Ullmann, Ring Cycle Orchestra, Strange Angels, Vladiswar Nadishana, Jennifer Berezan, Wimme and for film soundtracks (i.e. Beit Sha'ar, honorable mention at Dubai Int'l Film Festival, Dec '10). She was a tenor member of the European Overtone Choir, Spektrum overtone choir and the International Choir of Prague. She also composes music for overtone choirs, having directed her own, AURALIA, in Prague.
Her diversified career, starting around 1978, began with a solid basis of classical and jazz piano training. The early professional years included stints in several rock, pop and R & B bands. Later on, she performed extensively as a solo act, including a jazz circuit in Japan.
Ongoing attention for her innovations in harmonic overtone singing has led to some unusual performance situations. International appearances have included: guest vocalist with orchestra »Olla Vogala« in Brugge, Belgium (2002), main stage artist at KIEKU throat singing festival in Helsinki, Finland and Nordic House in Reykjavik, Iceland (’01), and only foreign female artist at the International Symposium of Throat Singing in the Republic of Tuva, Russia (1995). In May /08 she performed at the International Polyphonic Festival of Albania (in ancient ruins with her laptop). She was also world tour member with the Crash Test Dummies at the height of their fame, in support of »God Shuffled His Feet« in 1994-1995, where she demonstrated overtoning at each concert. Venues included the prestigious Royal Albert Hall in London, and appearances on Saturday Night Live and David Letterman in New York City.
This all comes together with hair raising harmonies and highly melodic vocals that are simultaneously sweet, powerful, innocent and exotic.;
The uplifting results are unique hybrids that meld East and »new« West. From »The Ladder«, »Pulse« and beyond, all her work documents an unorthodox history of study, performance, world travel and experimentation.
Kiva's third CD- The Quality of Light, released in 2014
The Quality of Light features more overtone singing (on 7 out of 10 tracks) with a strong emphasis on jazzy pop with lyrics, and piano. The last track is totally improvised with world renowned didgeridoo player Ondrej Smeykal.
The site admin suggested I post this here, as I have in the Facebook group 'Overtone Singers Unite'. BTW, if you haven't already become a member of that group, I recommend it.
The subject of this blog is collaboration online. With overtones of course. The site I use is kompoz.com
You can find almost anything here in terms of style. There are some quite accomplished producers, engineers, composers, etc. here, so don't worry about the quality. Of course, there are some wash outs, but…
Posted on July 6, 2012 at 9:17pm —
Posted on May 11, 2011 at 1:30pm —
Here is an interesting article by Oorzhak Khunashtaar-ool from 1993 about his lifelong khoomei singing, and how it must be properly taught to the young to preserve correct technique and tradition.
Even back in 1993, he laments the introduction of pop music influences into khoomei.
Also, note the suggestion that a young female group should form, the daughters of Tuva, which came true with 'Tuva Kyzy'.
ContinuePosted on March 28, 2011 at 12:00pm —
Posted on November 21, 2010 at 3:00pm — — 5 Comments
Posted on August 9, 2010 at 4:59pm — — 11 Comments
hy kiva,
u re right.
well id love to have a hang but im loving my flowdrum quite a bit as well...
here u can watch it:
ill still have to tune the mikrophon...
im courious how u like it.
i love overtonesinging as well. when i visit berlin next time ill contact u maybe we could sing together...
hear u josef
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