I'm very interested in extended vocal techniques, some of which I practice with pleasure.
Sorry, I have no website, no blog, nothing at the moment.
Thank you for sharing here sounds, music and hints.
Fretless guitar
Hardcore Punk
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Hello Lorenzo,
I hope you have found in welcome message for you in the Ning Bar. So let me say again: You are really welcome in our new community. If you have any questions how you can use all capabilities of this platform check out the videos and blogs on my impressum page.
Cheers, Jens
Dear Lorenzo,
I am happy that you have progressed in overtones.
You will find in this network many persons who have done excellent works on overtones.
Tran Quang Hai
Liebe NATURTON FangemeindeSpezielle Klangräume begleiten uns, seit wir uns zum erstenMal getroffen haben.Und das sind bereits 38 Jahre her!Eine andere bemerk...
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it´s a pity I don´t speak italian.
I´m glad that you like the blotch videos.
I hope you have found in welcome message for you in the Ning Bar. So let me say again: You are really welcome in our new community. If you have any questions how you can use all capabilities of this platform check out the videos and blogs on my impressum page.
Thanks for the invite again. Didn't know about this place! Seems really nice. Could become big fun here ;)
R.I.P.Tran Quang Hai said…
I am happy that you have progressed in overtones.
You will find in this network many persons who have done excellent works on overtones.
Tran Quang Hai
R.I.P.Tran Quang Hai said…
Glad to see you here.
Tran Quang Hai
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