Mantra for spiritual release | Om Ganga Maiya by Mantra Circle
Om Ganga MaiyaJai Shri LakshmiJai Maharaniperformed by Sonya – vocals, ukuleleShivaprem – djembeThis mantra stands for purity, blessing and spiritual renewal...
a common space & database for harmonic overtones
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thank's for your request. Hope you enjoy my music!! greetings from, in Manresa (Barcelona).
I don't have internet these days on my computer and couldn't find your email address, so I'll just post the message here.
Best wishes!
Dear friends,
the DVD is FINALLY! finished and will be delivered next week. The publisher will then send examples to you (I think it was 5). And further DVD can be ordered for wholesalers price for selling.
You all know that to realize this project was a long journey for me. I have learned so much during this time and I feel enriched to have met you all and your music.
But now I am really happy that this project is finished :)
I have posted the trailers and a teaser on youtube in German and in English. You are welcome to use them and link them to your webpages or whereever.
On the 4th of December the Film will be screened for the first time at an small overtone-event in Munich together with a Concert with Wolfgang Saus and Wolfgang Deinert. The organizer is Staphnie Erkens with her festival-project called Klang der Stille = Sound of Silence.
Ok, so you all know how to reach me for any purposes.
Hope to hear from you and best wishes to you all!
I'd like to invite you to be highlighted in the outstanding artists section to be featured in my harmonics DVD, to accompany my new book on overtone singing. The DVD will be a compilation of many contributors and will be free with the book. I do hope you can be in it.
Dean Frenkel
We wish you & your family a happy, healthy, fruit- & successful
New year of the Earth Cow!!
May all your wishes & plans come true in the year of butter & cream!!
Shagaa Bile!!
Khoomei Throatsinging Country Punk Greetings from Berlin!!
Arjopa & The Master U-like
Bonjour, tout le monde! Je donne un concert de Chant Harmonique authentique à Prague le 13 septembre et des enseignements Présence Harmonique le dimanche 14 septembre. J'espère que vous pouvez venir!
Then we have a Harmonic Presence retreat at Pommereau, our main center, near Paris, on the weekend of September 20 and 21, with an optional extra day or days September 19 and 22.
Après nous avons une retraite Présence Harmonique à notre centre en France le 20 et 21 septembre, avec l'option d'un ou deux jours de plus (le 19/9 et/ou le 22/9).
Voici les infos en français..
The information is on the Harmonic Presence Foundation website and the brochure in English is here in English.
Thank you!
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