A prayer with the depth of tuvan throat singing begins the journey. Musical instruments succeed: morin khuur, igil, shamanic drum, jaw harp, tibetan horn ... memories come back..
New sensations, unknown emotions mix with sounds, images, smells and vibrations lead us to a larger self-knowledge. We hear the wind blow in the Altai Mountains, Eeven river's water lap on the rocks ...
The nomadic music created intuitively becomes a guide to think outside the box and discover new horizons between earth and sky.
Merci L'Esprit Mimih, sharing music with us in this Overtone Music Network I featured today one of your songs which is now played on the start page. I hope you like it, that visitors can listen your piece Tout Va. I think and hear many overtones played by a horse head fiddle, jaw harp and khoomei singing. What do you think about to promote your via the Woodroot Web Radio?
welcome in our community of overtone aficionados! Have you received my welcome message for new members? I hope so. With this form you can contact the admin team if you have any issues - and here you will find all FAQ.
Liebe NATURTON FangemeindeSpezielle Klangräume begleiten uns, seit wir uns zum erstenMal getroffen haben.Und das sind bereits 38 Jahre her!Eine andere bemerk...
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Thanx a lot for your OMN friendship & your wonderful comment!
Your music is absolutly superb!
We are so happy, that you like our Khoomei Throatsinging Folk Rock,that much!
Greetings from Berlin!
Arjopa & The Master U-like
All the best,
Hi Michel.
I just know your page. Your music invites introspection and serenity. Please can we know other works of you? :o)
Thanks and a hug from Spain.
welcome in our community of overtone aficionados! Have you received my welcome message for new members? I hope so. With this form you can contact the admin team if you have any issues - and here you will find all FAQ.
All the best,
thanx for the request and your omn-friendship!
best wishes to you,
A bientôt en virtuel ou en vrai !