Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Hello everyone,

My book Overtone Singing - Harmonic Dimensions of the Human Voice will launch this autumn, around November. It is a thoroughly reworked version of my earlier book on Overtone Singing (subtitled Physics and Metaphysics of Harmonics in East and West). It summarises my 30+ years of research in this field as a vocalist and musicologist and discusses all aspects of overtone singing, from physics and listening to body-mind issues and from Turko-Mongol traditions to contemporary music with overtone singing. You can read a longer excerpt from the book's introduction on https://www.fusica.nl/overtone-singing-book/ and also learn more about the upcoming Anthology of Overtone Singing.

Right now a crowdsourcing campaign for this book is running on Indiegogo. The book will be published in the USA with distribution around the world.

If you are interested to widen your understanding of overtone singing, you can consider to pre-order a copy of the book   or to support the campaign in more interesting ways (with the audio included, with an online class or live concert etc.). Please check it out here and thanks for your support:


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Comment by Jens Mügge on September 21, 2022 at 12:22pm

Hi Mark,

thanks a lot for this great News! I send a message to all members of OMN and wish you, that there will be some friends who like to support your crowdsourcing campaign for this book!

Best Regards,

Comment by Mark van Tongeren on September 21, 2022 at 1:02pm

Hi Jens, thanks for sharing!


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