Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

All Blog News (393)

Mongolian throat singing CD from Holland "Herinnering"

Hello everyone,

I have been trying to promote the Mongolian art of throat singing here in Holland for the past few years. Now it is time to come with my first CD with the main focus on Mongolian throat singing!

Most of the songs are sung in Dutch language, telling stories about family, nature, love and memories. The cd is named "Herinnering" ("Memory", "Дурсамж").

You can listen to the full album on my…


Added by Rowan Lee Hartsuiker on October 15, 2011 at 5:30pm — No Comments

Live at Oekowerk Berlin Grunewald

I was invited to perform my music in a watertank at Ökowerk Berlin Grunewald.

This is a short cut from this perfomance. Maybe you enjoy this set ...…


Added by Jens Mügge on October 3, 2011 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Olkhon Gate Duo – album “The Dream” 2011

Olkhon gate duo is a collaboration of two jew’s harpers from different places who met together on Baikal lake. Vladimir Markov (Irkutsk, Russia) and Irina Bogatyreva (lybertsy, Russia) inspired by beauties and spirits of lake Baykal started their own project – jew’s harp Duo. They use very small instrument that can produce deep emotions, feelings and very existence of a person!

Coming to…


Added by Vladimir Markov on September 22, 2011 at 4:30pm — No Comments

Glissando - gliding tone exercises within a harmonic frame - not strictly for overtone singers

With thanks to Albrecht Dürerfor the proportion study.…


Added by Skye Løfvander on September 22, 2011 at 3:00pm — No Comments

Music by numbers


Music incarnates through numbers as frequency and wawelength (= time & space) proportions of the harmonic series.

Until european renaissance most tonal system where established through…


Added by Skye Løfvander on September 21, 2011 at 5:30pm — No Comments

New Para Hybrid video: Void

This is a video to accompany my composition 'Void' one of my 'Fake african memories'. Thanks to the Nikon D-7000 the quality is much better than before. It was recorded at a rehearsal of the Kargyraa Krew in June, in the editing I finally used only the images of me, because I´m the only singer on that track (two short loops).

Neither video nor the sound are… Continue

Added by Gisbert Schürig on September 20, 2011 at 8:30am — No Comments

V & JH


Added by Pavel Kuzmin on August 11, 2011 at 10:00am — No Comments

Slack-baked home bread. Psychotic jew`s harp


I record fast-album.

I never recorded my jew`s harp playing but resolved now)

It is samples:

1) http://prostopleer.com/tracks/4976921kWlg

2) http://prostopleer.com/tracks/4976922CScH

Bonus track:



Added by Pavel Kuzmin on August 6, 2011 at 1:00am — No Comments

Oberton Intensiv bei den Vocal Days in Seekirchen am Wallersee

Im Juli 2011 war ich Referentin für Obertongesang und Oberton für Chorleiter und -sänger bei den Vocal Days.

Das waren sehr intensive Tage mit begeisterten TeilnehmerInnen und sehr netten Mitreferenten.

spät aber doch: DANKE VIELMALS für die lieben Rückmeldungen!!

ein Auszug:

Danke für alles, was du mir durch diesen Kurs mitgegeben hast.


Ich fand super, dass man in 2 Tagen schon alles anwenden kann und die Zunge Töne steuern kann. Super meditativ! Gutes…


Added by Julia Renöckl on July 30, 2011 at 11:00am — No Comments

Obertonkurs in Puchberg bei Wels- Juni 2011

wenn ich jetzt schreibe, dass es wieder ein super kurs war, glaubts mir schön langsam niemand mehr. aber wirklich: die gruppe voller persönlichkeiten machte unglaubliche fortschritte in nur kurzer zeit, und jede/r einzelne berührte mich mit seiner/ihrer stimme.

ein paar rückmeldungen möchte ich mit euch teilen:

wunderbar ist, dass du deine freude so weitergibst.


für mich hat sich eine neue akustische welt eröffnet.


ich bin stark beeindruckt von deiner… Continue

Added by Julia Renöckl on June 25, 2011 at 9:30pm — No Comments

London Mongolian Khöömii festival July 19th and 20th 2011

Hi All,

here is the new so far, see you there! Michael ormiston

The Embassy of Mongolia London

Lingua Global

The School of Oriental & African Studies

Proudly present the Inaugural European

Mongolian Khöömii Festival

Inaugural Khöömii Conference 9:30am to 6pm Tuesday 19th July 2011

Room 111 Vernon Square campus

School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London

Penton Rise, London WC1X 9EW, UK

Ticket… Continue

Added by Michael Ormiston on June 23, 2011 at 12:30pm — No Comments

At the Scandinavian Overtone Festival in March 2011

I was in sweden!! and it was amazing. thank you gösta peterson for inviting me to the scandinavian overtone festival this march and for playing the accordeon at night.

I had a great time. It was super to sing in concert together with other overtone-singers and musicians, to give workshops for women and get to know lovely people from all over the world.

Thank you Inga for staying in your house. I really felt at home.

Thanks for all those who gave me such a nice feedback. I will… Continue

Added by Julia Renöckl on May 16, 2011 at 11:16pm — No Comments

wunderbarer Kurs in Eisenerz

der oberton-crash-kurs in eisenerz ist sehr gut verlaufen.

ich hab es genossen, wieder mal steirische luft zu schnuppern und meine kinder diverse tiere zu halten, streicheln und füttern.

mit 13 teilnehmerInnen war der kurs überbucht und die zeit knapp. vor lauter "alles beibringen wollen" hab ich auf pausen vergessen. sorry.

dennoch gabs keine einzige kritische rückmeldung.

hier ein auszug des feedbacks. vielen dank!

mir fehlen die worte.… Continue

Added by Julia Renöckl on May 16, 2011 at 10:52pm — No Comments

Overtone Choir music

There is not a lot of notated overtone music out there, particularly for choirs. And even less so when it comes to polyphonic singing.

In the earliest days of the appearance of composed western overtone music, there was Folke Rabe and Stockhausen.

Later on, Sarah Hopkins (Australia) created 'Past Life Melodies', which became internationally known and performed by many choirs around the world. Many such choirs were not overtone choirs, per se, but her piece did not require… Continue

Added by kiva simova on May 11, 2011 at 1:30pm — No Comments

tOM Sonnentrommler nominiert für Cosmic Cine Award 2011 • Film auf Cosmic Cine Festival

Zugegeben: Ein spätes Posting - aber immerhin (schließlich bin ich ja Entschleunigungskünstler und der Muße verpflichtet :-)):

tOM Sonnentrommler ist für den Cosmic Cine Award "Cosmic Angel 2011" nominiert:

"Die Geburt der Sonnentrommel - Eine Reise auf die andere Seite" ist neben Filmen wie z.B. "BLEEP" oder "2012" nominiert und bereits seit einer Woche auf dem Cosmic Cine Filmfestival 2011 in diversen… Continue

Added by tOM Sonnentrommler on May 9, 2011 at 9:30am — No Comments

Take Me As I Am


Die vorliegende Aufnahme entstand am 24. Juli 2010 beim Konzert in der

Kulturkirche St. Johannes in Hamburg, der Introitus am 5. Juni beim Konzert

in der Basilika des Mutterhauses der Franziskanerinnen in Olpe.



Added by Christian Bollmann on May 9, 2011 at 7:00am — 2 Comments

I decided to support Wikipedia for 12 months

Recurring 3 dollars via payPal.

Knowledge is POWER !
Let's empower the whole world...

Support Wikipedia

Added by Filip Rydlo on April 24, 2011 at 11:00am — No Comments

Demo reel of the European Overtone Choir.

Added by Wolfgang Saus on April 12, 2011 at 6:38pm — No Comments

Khoomei Perspective from Tuva 1993


Here is an interesting article by Oorzhak Khunashtaar-ool from 1993 about his lifelong khoomei singing, and how it must be properly taught to the young to preserve correct technique and tradition.


Even back in 1993, he laments the introduction of pop music influences into khoomei.


Also, note the suggestion that a young female group should form, the daughters of Tuva, which came true with 'Tuva Kyzy'.



Added by kiva simova on March 28, 2011 at 12:00pm — No Comments

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Klangwelten – Obertonkonzert at Bad Meinberg

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Sunset Song at the Buddha Hall (overtones)

Igor Ezendam singing overtones at sunset at the Buddha Hall in Arillas, Corfu, Greece, with the Buddha Hall house cat. Recorded 2024.03.21If you want to hear...
Aug 3
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Registration open for the VOICE UNVEILED online video course at ONLINE

August 3, 2024 at 6pm to August 6, 2024 at 7pm
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Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Hare Hare Mahamantra , ( Sanskrit : महामन्त्र mahāmantra) means "Great Mantra", ...
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