Jens Mügge sang as a child in various choirs. He started to play traditional folk songs and melodies on the jaw harp. At that early period he did not know that jew's harp playing is a kind of overtone music. Additionally he began to learn didgeridoo and was introduced to overtone singing 2001, developed his style of overtone singing on his own, and increased his knowledge of polyphonic harmonic singing by Wolfgang Saus in 2004. Now he accompanies his overtone singing with guitar, Jew's harp, tambura, sansula, kalimba, springdrum, singing bowls and various shrutiboxes.
Dearest Jens!
Thank you so much for your wonderful comment & that great leaderboard !
It is a pleasure and an honor to work with such an superb tool like your
baby OMN - the Best Overtone Networkever!!
May it be blessed by all good spirits!!
Khoomei Throatsinging Folk Rock Greetings from & to Berlin!
Arjopa & The Master U-like!
P.S.: Hier ein kleines Foto vom Züd Chöl - dem Heiligen See an dess Ufern wir eine tolle Zeit u.a. mit Gendos verbracht haben!
Hallo Jens,
Ich wohne im Süden von Holland, 35 km von Eindhoven. Dass ist von Amsterdam ca 125km südlich. Ich arbeite durch ganz Holland mit meine Kollega in Soundfulness. Schöne Bilder und Klänge hast du.
Dear Jens, I just want to thank you very much for your website. It's wonderful, all those nice singers! All that nice music, allready with the music on your site I have plenty to excercise.
Me myself I am rather timid, not a real performer. I am already happy when I dare to sing before 30 people in the workshop. So I don't know if a CD will be for this life....
Hallo Jens ! Genau, bei den Obertontagen letztes Jahr haben wir uns zum letzten mal gesehen. Schön, daß ich nun auch endlich mal Dein schönes Podium hier gefunden habe. Danke dafür !
Hi Jens,
i'm very interested to make a performance together with you!
Perhaps in Berlin, where I startet forging singing Bowls in 1994.
You probably know a fine place to do it.
I must go on the road again.
Hi Jens—Sorry to be so slow to respond... down with the flu!
Although I do compose some pieces with specific overtones and multiphonics, a lot of what you hear is improvisational choices my musicians make. Most of my charts leave a lot of room for embellishment and interpretation by individual players...
Hi Jens. I was just thinking how much I appreciate all your help with OMN and Facebook. Thanks a million! I just sent a note to Eva, too. Hope you're well. Sh
Lieber Jens,
vielen Dank für Dein schönes Feedback! Es freut mich sehr, dass Dir der Song gefällt!
Dies war nur ein Vorgeschmack - es werden noch weitere folgen... ;-)!
Vielleicht schaffe ich es noch vor Sonntag....
Alles Liebe,
Dearest Jens,
Letting you know that my former student Jan de Kretser, who is currently Governess of Victoria has invited my overtone students into a private sound tour of Government House with her for March 20. If you were in Melbourne I'd tag you with us. My newest student Rowan Richardson has just joined OMN. He has a great future - His Kargyraa is off the planet.
Hey Jens, thanks for the detailed explanation about the name Jens!
The songs on your profile(pointing to the human flesh and blood creator) are great, relaxing listen, looking forward to hearing more.
Also thanks for putting together/administering this amazing website, for people to share there musical talents and connect with one another. I have alot of exploration and inspirational listening ahead of me.
Thank you for accepting me as a member of this beautiful community website.
It's an honor to be able to share with so many creative and beautiful musicians.
Today was a big day for overtones in Australia. The Governess of Victoria, Jan de Kretser invited me and 25 overtone students into Government House for a sound tour and it was amazing. We were given license to sing in the wonderful enormous rooms including the ballroom and the minstrel's balcony. At the end she even lay down and allowed us to sound bathe her. Much of it has been captured on video. It was a most memorable experience for all. This is the highest office of the Victoria and it was envlped by overtone singing.
Vielen lieben Dank für das Schnee Foto (habe es erst heute gesehen weil ich schon so lange nicht mehr hier gewesen bin), was für eine schöne Überraschung und Erinnerung an meinen Besuch in Berlin :-)
Hi Jens, thanks for the Blog feature!
Wie geht es dir? Sehen wir uns zum Cosmic Cine Festival? Ich bin die Samstage gegen MIttag da - ausser in München. In Bonn bin ich auch am Di und So da.
Liebe Grüsse
Lieber Jens,
danke für deine freundliche Nachricht. Es ist auch sehr schön, immer wieder zu erleben, wie hier in dieser Community Phantasie, Können und Experimentierfreude zusammenfinden und herrlich Eigenwilliges hervorbringen.
Viel Glück weiterhin, Om Om Om.
Liebe Grüße, Devaki
lieber jens,
freut mich, dass dir mein video gefällt. es ist 2009 bei meiner letzten cd-produktion entstanden, nachts kurz vor mitternacht, nach 12 stunden aufnahmen: es gab nur einen durchlauf und alles war gelungen - wie einfach es manchmal ist, muss ich heute noch schmunzeln.
vielen dank auch für deinen tip mit dem design... würde gerne noch das türkis aus der homepage bekommen, habs aber nicht gefunden..werde weiter suchen.
dir einen klangvollen gruß nach berlin
Dear Jens, Tank you for your invitation. I like especially the overtones of voices, beautiful to hear the tones, coming from an another dimension, it seems. How you became interested in overtones? I was a violinist and also plays overtones on my instrument. Now I live with three other people in my home since 2006. I learned myself and my housemates playing the viola da gamba and the lute. We made bambooflutes of one tone ourselves. Children can play with us, every child gets a flute of one tone, together we play a melodie. So you learn to listen and coöperate. We play 2 part melodies with the bambooflutes. We also sing a capella 4-part songs from the renaissance and affirmation composed by myself. The affirmations we got during the 8 day process becomeing free from the need and going to live from light. We didn't eat 8 days and during 3 days also drink nothing.After that process we are free to eat or not. We are singing more and more slowly, and more and more overtones are audible, an very inspiring process! You can read, see and har more about us on our website Some pages are translated in English, butyou can see veru much photos and videos. On the first page are two videos from july 2015 on which yu can see my encounter with butterflies! with love from the Netherlands Leonoor
Thank you Jens for including me here ! well wishes to you & your group in this coming new year ! I read talk of overtones here now & lately I have been enjoying to hear the cosmic overtones coming from my cello - I feel it is channeling some alien cellist. :)
I am a throat singer and overtone singer and I am in the San Francisco Bay area helping kick start the First International Throat Singing Festival in San Francisco in 2022. Can you suggest any folks in the San Francisco Bay area that I might sing with or who might want to help us organize the Festival?
I met Jens in Berlin , then in Tauche for more than 14 years . He is a refined overtone singer and also a good jew's harp player . Hope to meet him again in the near future . tran quang hai
Well say there Jens-- like too share a bit about this Festival of Throat Singing in San Francisco in 2022. Three day festival and a five day culture camp in yurts. Teaching workshops for throat singing happening continuously. Want you to know that I am lobbying for a component of overtone singing or what I call natural voice harmonics integral to the Throat Singing Festival. Can you or any of your readers send us pointers, contacts and offers of support centered on the San Francisco and Los Angeles enivronments? I been teaching folks how to throat sing for 10 years and wonder if anyone wants to form an impromptu group in the Bay area? Yup, michael newmexico areacode 934-8818
Thomas Bertolf
Liebe Grüsse aus der Schweiz
Aug 28, 2010
Thank you so much for your wonderful comment & that great leaderboard !
It is a pleasure and an honor to work with such an superb tool like your
baby OMN - the Best Overtone Networkever!!
May it be blessed by all good spirits!!
Khoomei Throatsinging Folk Rock Greetings from & to Berlin!
Arjopa & The Master U-like!
P.S.: Hier ein kleines Foto vom Züd Chöl - dem Heiligen See an dess Ufern wir eine tolle Zeit u.a. mit Gendos verbracht haben!
Aug 29, 2010
Felix Mönnich
vielen Dank! Freue mich sehr, dass unsere Life-Aufnahme gefällt.
Liebe Grüße
Sep 14, 2010
Kees Peters
Ich wohne im Süden von Holland, 35 km von Eindhoven. Dass ist von Amsterdam ca 125km südlich. Ich arbeite durch ganz Holland mit meine Kollega in Soundfulness. Schöne Bilder und Klänge hast du.
Sep 17, 2010
Katelijn Vanhoutte
Me myself I am rather timid, not a real performer. I am already happy when I dare to sing before 30 people in the workshop. So I don't know if a CD will be for this life....
I wish you a nice sunday!
Sep 19, 2010
Ayla Roble
Oct 7, 2010
Axel Kabbe
Nov 6, 2010
Ayla Roble
Nov 16, 2010
Dec 23, 2010
Katja Vessel
Frohe besinnliche Weihnachten und
einen guten Rutsch in neuen erfolgreichen Jahr 2011
wünsche ich dir
Dec 25, 2010
Billy Fox
Dec 29, 2010
Satu Taggart
love and light,
Dec 30, 2010
Eemmanuel Comte
Jan 5, 2011
Herzlichst - Agnya
Jan 5, 2011
Martin Bläse
i'm very interested to make a performance together with you!
Perhaps in Berlin, where I startet forging singing Bowls in 1994.
You probably know a fine place to do it.
I must go on the road again.
Jan 9, 2011
Billy Fox
Although I do compose some pieces with specific overtones and multiphonics, a lot of what you hear is improvisational choices my musicians make. Most of my charts leave a lot of room for embellishment and interpretation by individual players...
Cheers ~ Billy
Jan 13, 2011
Stuart Hinds
Feb 4, 2011
Kirsten Kluin
vielen Dank für Dein schönes Feedback! Es freut mich sehr, dass Dir der Song gefällt!
Dies war nur ein Vorgeschmack - es werden noch weitere folgen... ;-)!
Vielleicht schaffe ich es noch vor Sonntag....
Alles Liebe,
Feb 18, 2011
Dean Frenkel
Letting you know that my former student Jan de Kretser, who is currently Governess of Victoria has invited my overtone students into a private sound tour of Government House with her for March 20. If you were in Melbourne I'd tag you with us. My newest student Rowan Richardson has just joined OMN. He has a great future - His Kargyraa is off the planet.
Feb 21, 2011
The songs on your profile(pointing to the human flesh and blood creator) are great, relaxing listen, looking forward to hearing more.
Also thanks for putting together/administering this amazing website, for people to share there musical talents and connect with one another. I have alot of exploration and inspirational listening ahead of me.
Feb 26, 2011
Menno van den Hout
Thank you for accepting me as a member of this beautiful community website.
It's an honor to be able to share with so many creative and beautiful musicians.
Thanks for creating this opportunity Jens.
Sounding greets, Menno
Feb 27, 2011
Dean Frenkel
Hoping you are happily well.
Today was a big day for overtones in Australia. The Governess of Victoria, Jan de Kretser invited me and 25 overtone students into Government House for a sound tour and it was amazing. We were given license to sing in the wonderful enormous rooms including the ballroom and the minstrel's balcony. At the end she even lay down and allowed us to sound bathe her. Much of it has been captured on video. It was a most memorable experience for all. This is the highest office of the Victoria and it was envlped by overtone singing.
Mar 20, 2011
Alles Liebe
Apr 14, 2011
Minghao Xu
Wie geht es dir? Sehen wir uns zum Cosmic Cine Festival? Ich bin die Samstage gegen MIttag da - ausser in München. In Bonn bin ich auch am Di und So da.
Liebe Grüsse
Apr 27, 2011
Elke Ruben
Gruß Elke
May 4, 2011
danke für deine freundliche Nachricht. Es ist auch sehr schön, immer wieder zu erleben, wie hier in dieser Community Phantasie, Können und Experimentierfreude zusammenfinden und herrlich Eigenwilliges hervorbringen.
Viel Glück weiterhin, Om Om Om.
Liebe Grüße, Devaki
May 10, 2011
Cora Krötz
klangvolle grüße
Aug 1, 2011
Cora Krötz
freut mich, dass dir mein video gefällt. es ist 2009 bei meiner letzten cd-produktion entstanden, nachts kurz vor mitternacht, nach 12 stunden aufnahmen: es gab nur einen durchlauf und alles war gelungen - wie einfach es manchmal ist, muss ich heute noch schmunzeln.
vielen dank auch für deinen tip mit dem design... würde gerne noch das türkis aus der homepage bekommen, habs aber nicht gefunden..werde weiter suchen.
dir einen klangvollen gruß nach berlin
Aug 30, 2011
Julio Peña
Sep 27, 2011
Hans Tschiritsch
danke für lob, danke auch für deinen beitrag zur kommunikation
hier in wien und überhaupt!
bis hoffentlich bald und alles gute!
Oct 27, 2011
Rollin Rachele
I hope you're doing well.
My new website is up and running. Please, when you have a chance, visit
Thanks again for pulling the network together.
Best wishes,
Oct 29, 2011
Thomas Bertolf
Hi Jens
Schöne klangvolle Weihnachten und ein obertonreiches Neues jahr..
liebi Grüess Thomas
Dec 24, 2011
Marc Drost
Hi Jens, thanks for letting me join the Network. I'm looking forward to the activity and meeting other overtone minded spirits here.
Mar 7, 2012
Federico Parra
Thank you so much dear Jens for your work in putting this network together and for helping me share the voice of my project!!! Blessings!!
Aug 6, 2012
Thomas Mörth
Hallo Jürgen, Danke für Deine nette Begrüßung....
Freu mich, Euch gefunden zu haben ..
Nov 23, 2012
Hans Tschiritsch
danke, bis bald! hans
Mar 22, 2013
Astrid Sarana
Vielen lieben dank für die Einladung, welch ch sehr gerne anehme. Die Klänge hier sind wundervoll. Alle Liebe, Sarana.
Mar 24, 2013
Hallo Jens, danke fürs ädden und viele Grüsse aus der Schweiz.
May 22, 2015
Dear Jens,
Tank you for your invitation. I like especially the overtones of voices, beautiful to hear the tones, coming from an another dimension, it seems. How you became interested in overtones? I was a violinist and also plays overtones on my instrument. Now I live with three other people in my home since 2006. I learned myself and my housemates playing the viola da gamba and the lute. We made bambooflutes of one tone ourselves. Children can play with us, every child gets a flute of one tone, together we play a melodie. So you learn to listen and coöperate. We play 2 part melodies with the bambooflutes. We also sing a capella 4-part songs from the renaissance and affirmation composed by myself. The affirmations we got during the 8 day process becomeing free from the need and going to live from light. We didn't eat 8 days and during 3 days also drink nothing.After that process we are free to eat or not. We are singing more and more slowly, and more and more overtones are audible, an very inspiring process! You can read, see and har more about us on our website Some pages are translated in English, butyou can see veru much photos and videos. On the first page are two videos from july 2015 on which yu can see my encounter with butterflies! with love from the Netherlands Leonoor
Aug 3, 2015
Nicholas Truske
Thank you Jens for including me here ! well wishes to you & your group in this coming new year !
I read talk of overtones here now & lately I have been enjoying to hear the cosmic overtones coming from my cello - I feel it is channeling some alien cellist. :)
Jan 9, 2016
Richard Wicksteed
Sublime music; thank you Jens.
Jan 12, 2016
Christopher Stewart
hey ! hope you're well ! a glorious 2018 to you ! :o)
Jan 17, 2018
Christopher Stewart
thanks Jens ! :o)
Jan 19, 2018
Selma Rayon
Hi Jens! Thank you for welcoming me to the community! All the best from the UK!
Mar 11, 2019
Daniel Pircher
Hey man (-: wie geht es dir? lang nicht gehört....
Oct 1, 2019
Michael Crofoot
I am a throat singer and overtone singer and I am in the San Francisco Bay area helping kick start the First International Throat Singing Festival in San Francisco in 2022. Can you suggest any folks in the San Francisco Bay area that I might sing with or who might want to help us organize the Festival?
Jan 19, 2020
Tran Quang Hai
I met Jens in Berlin , then in Tauche for more than 14 years . He is a refined overtone singer and also a good jew's harp player . Hope to meet him again in the near future .
tran quang hai
Jan 20, 2020
Michael Crofoot
Well say there Jens-- like too share a bit about this Festival of Throat Singing in San Francisco in 2022. Three day festival and a five day culture camp in yurts. Teaching workshops for throat singing happening continuously. Want you to know that I am lobbying for a component of overtone singing or what I call natural voice harmonics integral to the Throat Singing Festival. Can you or any of your readers send us pointers, contacts and offers of support centered on the San Francisco and Los Angeles enivronments? I been teaching folks how to throat sing for 10 years and wonder if anyone wants to form an impromptu group in the Bay area? Yup, michael
newmexico areacode 934-8818
Jan 20, 2020
Christopher Stewart
hey Jens ! best wishes for 2020 ! much inspiration and love to you and yours ! <3
Jan 29, 2020
Christopher Stewart
thanks Jens ! i'm hugging you too Brother ! :o)
Jan 31, 2020