Michael Crofoot


Port Orford, OR

United States

Profile Information:

About me:
I have been throat singing for 12 years and singing natural voice overtones for 3 years
shruti box and percussion
Tuvan traditional singers and Sainkho. I went to the Republic of Tuva 10 years ago...

Comment Wall:

  • David W Robertson

    Hi Michael,

    I live in the Montclair District of Oakland. I continue to try to learn sygyt, but I am better at western harmonics. If you like to overtone sing in tunnels, there is an outstanding one near where I live. I would definitely be interested in attending the festival in 2022.


  • Jens Mügge

    Hi Michael,

    thanks for your message. Here you can find some members from the   San Francisco Bay area ... maybe this helps!
    All the best

  • David W Robertson

    Sure. Let me know when you will be in Oakland or the East Bay.