Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Bodo Maass
  • Male
  • Berlin
  • Germany
  • Blog News
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Bodo Maass's Connections

  • Martin Bläse
  • Johannes Lind
  • Nicolas MOREAU
  • Kirsten Kluin
  • André Knöfel
  • Arjopa
  • Gisela
  • European Overtone Choir
  • Silvia Gajdošíková
  • Jonas Nondorf
  • Agnya
  • Minghao Xu
  • Sabe
  • Mila
  • Jens Zygar

Bodo Maass's Groups


Bodo Maass's Page

Profile Information

About me:
I'm currently working on Overtone Analyzer, a software for interactive sound visualization. It is particularly useful for practicing vocal techniques and learning more about overtones. You can find out more about it at my website, www.sygyt.com.

I'm also offering a group for sound improvisation and overtone singing in Berlin. Check it out at www.overtonesinging.org.
Wolfgang Saus, Christian Bollmann, Hosoo, Kolja Simon

Comment Wall (19 comments)

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At 12:19pm on November 2, 2010, Arjopa said…
Hallo Bodo!
Vielen Dank für Deine OMN Freundschaft!
Ist wirklich interessant, was Du so machst!

Hoffen, daß Dir auch unser Khoomei Kehlgesangs Folk Rock gut gefällt!

Beste Grüße von & nach Berlin!
Arjopa & The Master U-like

At 7:13pm on January 10, 2010, Nicolas MOREAU said…
Hi !
What about a mac version of the Overtone Analyzer it would be great for 2010 !!
At 5:00pm on October 20, 2009, kiva simova said…
Hi Bodo,
How are you? I wonder if you will be home in Berlin around Nov 17th-19th. I am coming to play solo at Dodohaus (Huttenstr 30). I was there twice last summer. It's a great little local community club.
I might need a place to stay then- any of those nights, if you have space.
At 11:18am on July 10, 2009, Agnya said…
Lieber Bodo,
schön Dir hier zu begegnen. Ganz herzlichen Dank für Deine tolle Beratung und Unterstützung zum Thema Oberton Analyzer. Ich freue mich sehr über die Freundschaft auf "overtone" mit Dir.
Herzliche Grüße
At 12:13pm on November 4, 2008, Minghao Xu said…
Hallo Bodo,
ich habe schon lange von Dir gehört wegen dem Oberton Analyzer. Wolf hat dir wahrscheinlich die Doku gezeigt "Raum Klang Stimme", wo das Programm auch zum Einsatz kommt. Ich bin gerade dabei die 2. Version zu schneiden, da 2 Musiker ja bei der ersten abgesprungen sind.
Schön Dich hier zu sehen.
Viele Grüsse
At 9:22pm on July 5, 2008,
Tran Quang Hai
Dear Bodo,
Thank you for your explanantion. Now I have understood the way of how to show the sequence in real time .
I 'll have a go next time.
Tran Quang Hai
At 9:21am on July 4, 2008,
Tran Quang Hai
Hi Bodo,
I am glad with your software sygyt.com which is easy to manipulate.
Nevertheless, I don't understand how I can copy the sound and the spectral analyses at the same time in real time .
Can you explain it to me ? And how can I find the designation of Hertz on overtones ? Where can I find that programme on your software ?
Thanks in advance .
Tran Quang Hai
At 11:02pm on June 27, 2008, kiva simova said…
Hi Bodo
Just to make it clear it's the Nove Hrady in the south of CZ, not the one east of Prague. I just found this out, or I would have gone to the wrong Nove Hrady! I hope everyone else knows this.
At 10:08am on June 27, 2008, David Hykes said…

Congratulations on your Nove-Hrady event, where I presented and taught authentic Harmonic Chant last year.

We gave the first teachings of Harmonic Chant, both to choral and contemplative/spiritual practitioners in Europe starting in
1980, and we are celebrating the 25th anniversary of "Hearing Solar Winds" this year with a special seminar July 15-20.

The original center is at Pommereau, near Paris, where we continue to organize retreats and seminars dedicated to the Harmonic Presence work, which explores authentic Harmonic Chant and its relationships to music, mind, meditation and medicine.

All best wishes,

David Hykes
Harmonic Presence Foundation
At 9:43am on May 29, 2008, OMN said…
Hi Bodo,
hope that you will be online and you can change your email address that I can promote you as my backup administrator. Please leave me a short note.

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Welcome Galda & Mügge!
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