Dear friends, in the spirit of the light always returning, I wanted to share with you in 'a new light' whatever I can about the Harmonic Chant lineage practices and the Harmonic Presence work.
Our Harmonic Presence Foundation is a transdisciplinary organization supporting harmonic knowledge and research integrating music, cosmology and neuroscience, and contemplative practice. I'm a composer-singer, contemplative awareness accompanist, and have been developing Harmonic Chant, a comprehensive system of contemplative music, since 1975, the year I founded The Harmonic Choir (New York, 1975), now in its 36th year.
I often offer my music on behalf of the Buddha Dharma, and have had the honor to co-host events with HH the Dalai Lama, and the Gyuto and Gyume Monks. I've offered my music to such "sacred cinema" Dharma films as "Travellers and Magicians" by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoché and "Journey Into Buddhism" by John Bush, in addition to other films such as "Meetings with Remarkable Men" by Peter Brook, about the master G.I. Gurdjieff; "Baraka"; "Asanasazi" The Lost Ones", and many others.
Our Foundation has collaborated with the Mind and Life Institute, a world-wide group of neuroscientists and contemplative practitioners sponsored by the Dalai Lama, which explores the benefits of contemplative practice on the brain, mind, and life. It was wonderful to offer the closing evening concert and presentation, including a concert with The Harmonic Choir, celebrating the 25th anniversary of my album with the group, "Hearing Solar Winds," available in a special audiophile version here:
Our Harmonic Chant lineage practices are a comprehensive contemplative approach to the harmonic presence universally found in music and listening consciousness. I also share the Harmonic Presence work, an integrated system of contemplative awareness practice based on relationships between mind, music, meditation and healing harmonization.
Certain senior practitioners of Harmonic Chant have now completed more than 10,000 hours of contemplative and musical practice, over the past 30 years.
Our Harmonic Presence Foundation, founded at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine on September 11, 1981, offers a comprehensive approach to harmonic awareness, combining exploration of the nature of musical sound, a highly-developed body of musical practices and techniques, contemplative awareness teachings linking silence, sensation and listening, and a deep sensitivity to the realms of healing harmonization.
Our work provides special opportunities for students who are interested to go deeper into harmonic realms of consciousness and music, so that music can becomes an authentic support for contemplative practice. There, attunement and deep listening work together, and real healing can take place.
You are very welcome to directly study our music and work, at the Foundation's center in France or in the USA and other countries. Please feel free to email us at You can also inquire about the Harmonic Presence Online Study Program.
David Hykes, founder with The Harmonic Choir of the Harmonic Chant
lineage practices, The Harmonic Presence Foundation, and many collaborators from the fields of music, spirituality, medicine and science. Harmonic Choir core members include Timothy Hill,Seth Markel,Evry Mann,Joel Bluestein,Stéphane Gallet and Bruno Caillat.
David Hykes's music is quintessentiallly 'a cappella' Harmonic Chant; sometimes his works include accompanying instruments like the Sufi flute (Ney) and bowed Tanbur, Tanpura, Svarmangalam, and percussion instruments such as Daff, Zarb, and Tabla. He has also composed works for breath, harmonic piano, saz, Prophet-5 synthesizer, bells, gongs, wind harp, frogs, hawks, jews harp, fretless guitar, santur, hammered dulcimer, wind, electric fretless guitar, harmonium, organ, and many other instruments.
Spiritual training (in chronological order): his Taos Pueblo spiritual family; the Gurdjieff Work: Lord Pentland, Dr. Michel de Salzmann, Mme. Jeanne de Salazmann, Henri Tracol, James George; the Aurobindo tradition; Advaita Vedanta: Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj; and now Tibetan Buddhism: Tsoknyi Rinpoché and Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoché (my root gurus), Chokyi Nyima Rinpoché, His Holiness the Dalai Lama...
Musical Influences: Taos Pueblo (»we gave you the privilege to sing; you must have been one of us before...«); Raga singer Sheila Dhar, my music guru from 1982 until her death in 2003; Chagdud Tulku Rinpoché; shortwave global radio, 1957-63; rock and roll (1965-1970); free jazz (1970-73); world music (India, Iran, Turkey...) since 1970; Mongolian and Tuvan music (1973-1993); Tibetan sacred chant (since 1973).
Dear David,
I don't have internet these days on my computer and couldn't find your email address, so I'll just post the message here.
Best wishes!
Dear friends,
the DVD is FINALLY! finished and will be delivered next week. The publisher will then send examples to you (I think it was 5). And further DVD can be ordered for wholesalers price for selling.
You all know that to realize this project was a long journey for me. I have learned so much during this time and I feel enriched to have met you all and your music.
But now I am really happy that this project is finished :)
I have posted the trailers and a teaser on youtube in German and in English. You are welcome to use them and link them to your webpages or whereever.
On the 4th of December the Film will be screened for the first time at an small overtone-event in Munich together with a Concert with Wolfgang Saus and Wolfgang Deinert. The organizer is Staphnie Erkens with her festival-project called Klang der Stille = Sound of Silence.
Ok, so you all know how to reach me for any purposes.
Hope to hear from you and best wishes to you all!
Thanks David. In short I wanted to do some justice to the pioneering contribution you have made to harmonic singing in the DVD. Many of my students have been filmed and I'm compiling video excerpts from people around the world. Please note I have no budget to pay anyone - I'm also not going to charge anyone for being represented. You would be welcome to have a number of video excerpts of yourself. We'll discuss this more shortly. Thanks and Blessings, Dean
I'd like to invite you to be highlighted in the outstanding artists section to be featured in my harmonics DVD, to accompany my new book on overtone singing. The DVD will be a compilation of many contributors and will be free with the book. I do hope you can be in it.
Dear David, I was trying to email your center in France to get informed about your trainings in music and harmonic healing but nether telefon nor email surver does connect. Can you please tell me another way to come in touch? Bless you Sylvia
dear David, I would love to be taught by you.After 20 years of overtone practice this could be the door to space i`d love to enter now. I will contact your center in France.God bless you.Sylvia
We wish you & your family a happy, healthy, fruit- & successful
New year of the Earth Cow!!
May all your wishes & plans come true in the year of butter & cream!!
Shagaa Bile!!
Khoomei Throatsinging Country Punk Greetings from Berlin!!
Arjopa & The Master U-like
At 11:15am on September 2, 2008, David Hykes said…
Greetings, everyone. I'll be giving a concert of athentic Harmonic Chant in Prague on September 13, and giving Harmonic Presence teachings on Sunday morning, September 14. Hope to see you there!
Bonjour, tout le monde! Je donne un concert de Chant Harmonique authentique à Prague le 13 septembre et des enseignements Présence Harmonique le dimanche 14 septembre. J'espère que vous pouvez venir!
Then we have a Harmonic Presence retreat at Pommereau, our main center, near Paris, on the weekend of September 20 and 21, with an optional extra day or days September 19 and 22.
Après nous avons une retraite Présence Harmonique à notre centre en France le 20 et 21 septembre, avec l'option d'un ou deux jours de plus (le 19/9 et/ou le 22/9). Voici les infos en français..
Dear David, I saw on your website, that you are in Europe for concerts and workshops, but the link has some problems... i can't look at the calendar, if you have time could you please write here your calendar.. You'll come also in Italy?
Thank you!
Liebe NATURTON FangemeindeSpezielle Klangräume begleiten uns, seit wir uns zum erstenMal getroffen haben.Und das sind bereits 38 Jahre her!Eine andere bemerk...
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thank's for your request. Hope you enjoy my music!! greetings from, in Manresa (Barcelona).
I don't have internet these days on my computer and couldn't find your email address, so I'll just post the message here.
Best wishes!
Dear friends,
the DVD is FINALLY! finished and will be delivered next week. The publisher will then send examples to you (I think it was 5). And further DVD can be ordered for wholesalers price for selling.
You all know that to realize this project was a long journey for me. I have learned so much during this time and I feel enriched to have met you all and your music.
But now I am really happy that this project is finished :)
I have posted the trailers and a teaser on youtube in German and in English. You are welcome to use them and link them to your webpages or whereever.
On the 4th of December the Film will be screened for the first time at an small overtone-event in Munich together with a Concert with Wolfgang Saus and Wolfgang Deinert. The organizer is Staphnie Erkens with her festival-project called Klang der Stille = Sound of Silence.
Ok, so you all know how to reach me for any purposes.
Hope to hear from you and best wishes to you all!
I'd like to invite you to be highlighted in the outstanding artists section to be featured in my harmonics DVD, to accompany my new book on overtone singing. The DVD will be a compilation of many contributors and will be free with the book. I do hope you can be in it.
Dean Frenkel
We wish you & your family a happy, healthy, fruit- & successful
New year of the Earth Cow!!
May all your wishes & plans come true in the year of butter & cream!!
Shagaa Bile!!
Khoomei Throatsinging Country Punk Greetings from Berlin!!
Arjopa & The Master U-like
Bonjour, tout le monde! Je donne un concert de Chant Harmonique authentique à Prague le 13 septembre et des enseignements Présence Harmonique le dimanche 14 septembre. J'espère que vous pouvez venir!
Then we have a Harmonic Presence retreat at Pommereau, our main center, near Paris, on the weekend of September 20 and 21, with an optional extra day or days September 19 and 22.
Après nous avons une retraite Présence Harmonique à notre centre en France le 20 et 21 septembre, avec l'option d'un ou deux jours de plus (le 19/9 et/ou le 22/9).
Voici les infos en français..
The information is on the Harmonic Presence Foundation website and the brochure in English is here in English.
Thank you!
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