Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Stuart Hinds
  • Male
  • Lubbock, TX
  • United States

Stuart Hinds's Connections

  • Timber Freier Träumer (Hanfreich
  • Giovanni Bortoluzzi
  • Harmonic Introductions
  • Cora Krötz
  • David Stuetzel
  • Billy Fox
  • Johannes Lind
  • Curtis Nike
  • Ronald Frederik
  • Claudia
  • Kirsten Kluin
  • Mario Molle
  • Arjopa
  • Frank Perry

Latest Activity

Stuart Hinds posted a status
Dec 17, 2022
Stuart Hinds posted a status
"Sorry to hear that Jan Heinke has passed away."
Jun 26, 2022
Stuart Hinds posted a status
"I have more short videos like this if interested: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ShTGwiLPfEA"
Feb 16, 2022
Stuart Hinds posted a status
"my condolences to all who knew and loved tran quang hai https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvH0w7DsSlM"
Dec 30, 2021

Virtuoso Overtone Singer from Texas

Profile Information

About me:
I am active as composer, singer, choral conductor, and teacher. The majority of my compositions involve the use of overtone singing, including works for solo voice, for voice with instruments, and choral works. I have presented concerts, lecture-demonstrations, and workshops throughout the US and Europe. I am a published author and composer, with articles in the Journal of Singing and Choral Journal, and choral compositions with Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag. I earned a Doctor of Musical Arts degree in music composition from The University of Michigan. Check out my website www.stuarthinds.com for more informations, booking and workshop and c oncert schedule in English.
Below are informations in German:
Stuart Hinds ist als Komponist, Sänger, Dozent und Chorleiter aktiv. Die meisten seiner Kompositionen sind vor allem für virtuose Obertonsängerinnen und –sänger geschrieben. Darunter sind Werke für Solo-Stimme, instrumentale Stücke und Kompositionen für Sprach-und Chormusik.

Stuart Hinds gibt Konzerte, Unterricht und Workshops in den USA und Kanada, Deutschland, Belgien, Österreich und in Tschechien. Seine musikalischen Werke sind in Artikeln der „Zeitschrift für Gesang“ und dem „Chormusik Journal“ erschienen. Im Friedrich Hofmeister Musikverlag sind neuerdings Chorwerke von Stuart Hinds veröffentlicht worden. Stuart Hinds promovierte an der Universität in Michigan zum „Doktor of Musical Arts in Komposition“.
Stuart Hinds ist einzigartig unter den Obertonsängern. Er hat diesen Gesang mit Virtuosität zu einer neuen Kunstfertigkeit geführt. Er erlangt ein bisher selten erreichtes Level musikalischen Ausdrucks, wenn er zeitgleich über den traditionellen Bordunklang stimmlich zwei unterschiedliche musikalischen Linien entwickelt. Seine Kompositionen sprengen dabei die Grenzen des üblichen Obertongesangs und kreieren ein völlig neues Genre der Musik, die jeden Musikstil umfassen.

Stuart Hinds Werk spiegelt zum einen seine klassische Ausbildung wieder, mit musikalischen Einflüssen unterschiedlichster Kulturen – sein einzigartiger Stil begeistert ein weites Spektrum von Zuhörern. So schrieb ein schwedischer Musikkritiker; dass „Hinds ein wahrer Meister der Obertongesangstechnik ist“ und kommentierte: „Ich habe bisher noch nie so etwas gehört. Seine Musik zeigt eine wahre und unverfälschte Kunstfertigkeit. Ich schätze mich glücklich, dass ich auf seine Musik gestoßen bin, welche mir nicht nur musikalisch Freude bereit, sondern mich zudem spirituell erhebt.“

voice, keyboards

Stuart Hinds's Photos

Stuart Hinds's Blog News

The Overtone Singing Virtuoso

My new book is finished! "The Overtone Singing Virtuoso" is 12 songs for advanced level polyphonic overtone singing with substantial commentary and instruction.

This completes the trilogy of instructional books for overtone singing, progressing from beginning level with steady fundamental to advanced level polyphonic overtone singing:

1. Making Music with Overtone Singing (free download at stuarthinds.com)

2. An Overtone Experience/Eine Oberton Erfahrung (published by…


Posted on June 27, 2018 at 8:53pm — — 1 Comment

Making Music with Overtone Singing

I want everybody to have my new book, so I’m giving it away for free! “Making Music with Overtone Singing” includes lessons, exercises, and 14 songs from easy to advanced skill level. Download it today at my website:
Please share with all your overtone singing friends.

Posted on October 8, 2017 at 7:30pm — — 3 Comments

Overtone Singing as a Choral Art

Great news! Peggy Dettwiler and I have been invited to give a seminar at the 10th World Symposium on Choral Music in Seoul, Korea in August 2014. Our program is entitled: "Overtone Singing as a Choral Art." Our presentation will fit in well with the unifying theme for WSCM-10: the concept of Youth and 'Healing' as a means of understanding through choral music. There are 75…


Posted on June 12, 2013 at 11:30pm —

Eine Oberton-Erfahrung / An Overtone Experience

Please check out my new book, the complete guide to polyphonic overtone singing: www.traumzeit-verlag.de/stuarthinds

Posted on May 7, 2012 at 8:30pm — — 1 Comment

Stuart Hinds's Groups

Comment Wall (21 comments)

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At 10:38am on July 11, 2011, David Stuetzel said…
Thank you for the connection!
"There is lots more where that [Rennaissance Man] came from": you made me curious - eaven more than i allready was - did you sing or compose more similar things? or is it actually a part of an old byzinium? of course there is an extra rule, to make it possible to sing: onely intervals that are in the series between the two voices...
I would be so interested and delighted to hear more about the lot more...
At 10:42pm on July 10, 2011, David Stuetzel said…
Thank you for the Rennaissance man,
I'm a fan of the canon in the fifth!
Greate Idea, Composing and Singing!
At 7:35am on May 9, 2011, Jens Mügge said…
Hello Stuart,

thanks a lot for your status message:

I really appreciate all the work Jens does for OMN. Thanks, man!!!

With all best wishes,
At 4:10am on March 29, 2011, Claudia said…
Thanks for sharing your new song "im Heine", very much like spring :) love it!
At 7:55pm on March 28, 2011, Anna-Maria Hefele said…
Thank you very much for sharing! I like it :-)
At 4:32am on March 11, 2011, Billy Fox said…
Finally had a moment to listen to "Autumn Moon." Lovely piece! Thanks for posting it.
At 9:52am on February 5, 2011, Jens Mügge said…
Hi Stuart,

Greetings from Bern. Tonight I will give a performance with Willi Grimm at this wonderful place at Klangkeller. Thanks a lot for your card with your slideshow movie clips. Texas looks wonderful. Another different place on earth. Last year was a very good experience to manage some concert gigs and seminar classes in Berlin. I hope you are well too!

All the best,
At 10:01pm on December 30, 2010, Billy Fox said…
Thanks for posting Yokyoku! Listening now, and really enjoying it!
At 7:53pm on December 23, 2010, Claudia said…
Thank you for the connection Stuart, love your music!
wishing you a wonder-filled and peaceful season

Love and peace
At 12:48am on July 1, 2010, Johannes Lind said…
Thanks a lot for your comment! Unfortunately you were sick on the only day I came to the European Overtone Choir meeting in April. Let's hope to meet up next time.

kind regards,

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Latest Activity

kiva simova posted a status
"I have an improvising group with overtones and extended vocals: Midbrain Surfers. Visit: midbrainsurfers.com"
Dec 7
2 photos by kiva simova were featured
Dec 7
Sukadev Bretz posted events
Dec 7
Sukadev Bretz posted a video

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Dec 7
Andreas Eder posted a video

Töne aus der Unterwelt, Tönerkreis München

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Dec 1
Mikuskovics Baum posted a video

Es ist ein Ros entsprungen

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A blog post by Jens Mügge was featured
Nov 14
Alexey Маrtynov joined a group
Nov 7
Sukadev Bretz posted a video

Mantra for good & happiness | Karpur Gauram by Shivapriya from Mantra Circle

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Nov 1
Jens Ickert posted an event
Oct 22
Galda & Mügge updated their profile
Oct 22
Galda & Mügge is now a member of OMN ...

Welcome Galda & Mügge!
Oct 22

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