Oventones came to me as a surprise some 20 years ago. I have always cherrished their spiritual and healing effect and this is what I mainly pass on in my wokshops: snging and especially overtones as path to Oneself. I give concerts (rarely) with the Zürich Overton-Choir in Switzerland.
Tambura, Monochord, Singingbowls, Gongs, Guitar
Mainly my own inspiration and practice.
Wolfgang Saus, Aase Weingärtner, Jochen Vetter, Hans Peter Klein
We are currently doing three "gregorian choral" songs in the Overtonechoir Spektrum here in Prague.
I would *LOVE* Spektrum to meet with You one day, so that You could give us tips on how to properly make nice subtle overtones on the *wovels* of that latin text!
Please, just let me know if You would go somewhere near Prague (like for example Liberec - the Bohemia Cantat festival). :-) Filip
Kailani Simone Bouvrot
willkommen! Ich freue mich, dich hier wiederzusehen.
Kailani Simone
May 27, 2008
Wolfgang Saus
Aug 15, 2008
Filip Rydlo
Hi, Dana Gita !
We are currently doing three "gregorian choral" songs in the Overtonechoir Spektrum here in Prague.
I would *LOVE* Spektrum to meet with You one day, so that You could give us tips on how to properly make nice subtle overtones on the *wovels* of that latin text!
Please, just let me know if You would go somewhere near Prague (like for example Liberec - the Bohemia Cantat festival). :-)
Sep 10, 2013