My music is based upon my insights from the book "The Cosmic Octave", by Hans Cousto.
Everything in this universe rotates in certain periods around its own axle, and around a center. These periods can be converted into frequencies. Through octavation, the frequencies can be made acoustically perceptible for the human organism. Thus it showed that certain planet oscillations have strong influence on the human energy system (the Chakras). It is exactly this knowledge that I made use of for my music.
Hallo Oliver, schön, dass du meiner Einladung gefolgt bist. Falls du irgendwelche Fragen hast, kannst du mich in einer dieser vielen Netzwerke kontaktieren. Freut mich sehr, dass du sofort deine Songs mit uns teilst. -
Bis denne,
Marco Tonini
for any questions look at Impressum page and FAQ.
Aug 1, 2008
Jens Mügge
Bis denne,
Aug 2, 2008