Cher Gerard,
Tu es maintenant au monde des pratiquants du chant diphonique. Tu découvriras les multifacettes de cette technique vocale dans le monde .
Tran Quang Hai
Quelle SURPRISE. Te trouver ici me fait auter comme un petit enfant. Les jours qu'on a passé á Cannes sont gravés dans ma tête avec des sons et émotions trés speciaux. Bienvenu dans ce network du chant harmonique - diphonique - cosmique ;-)
You don' know me but I thought I'd send you a message in case you can make use of the opportunity.
I have exciting news to convey. Madosini, the woman you see in the photograph with me and is a world authority performer on musical bows is going to be available in Europe from the 7th to the 17th of July. After that period she is taking part in the "Le Reve de l'Indigene" in Orleans and then the Womad Festivals in the UK.
I need to find her and her UK based co-performer (who serves as an interpreter as well as she only speaks deep Xhosa) some work in that time. Please circulate the news and tell me if you think of a possible event. She truly is unique as a performer.
Have a look at her playing one of her songs on YouTube. Search for "MadoJazz".
Bonjour Gerard, Merci pour l'invite. Je suis Espagnol mais ais vecu en France pendant 11 ans. Cela fait une trentaine que j'habite en Afrique du Sud. Je vais etre avec Madosini au festival du Songe de l'Aborigene. C'est pas la porte a cote mais si tu y viens on peut se voir. Madosini merite le voyage. Au revoir. Pedro.
Tran Quang Hai
Tu es maintenant au monde des pratiquants du chant diphonique. Tu découvriras les multifacettes de cette technique vocale dans le monde .
Tran Quang Hai
Apr 9, 2008
Va falloir que je m'organise dur dur pour les cours et les ateliers.
Apr 9, 2008
Tran Quang Hai
J'ai reçu ton mot. Tu auras le temps d'explorer ce site pour découvrir les multi facettes du chant diphonique.
Tran Quang Hai
Apr 9, 2008
Paul Freh
Quelle SURPRISE. Te trouver ici me fait auter comme un petit enfant. Les jours qu'on a passé á Cannes sont gravés dans ma tête avec des sons et émotions trés speciaux. Bienvenu dans ce network du chant harmonique - diphonique - cosmique ;-)
Apr 10, 2008
You don' know me but I thought I'd send you a message in case you can make use of the opportunity.
I have exciting news to convey. Madosini, the woman you see in the photograph with me and is a world authority performer on musical bows is going to be available in Europe from the 7th to the 17th of July. After that period she is taking part in the "Le Reve de l'Indigene" in Orleans and then the Womad Festivals in the UK.
I need to find her and her UK based co-performer (who serves as an interpreter as well as she only speaks deep Xhosa) some work in that time. Please circulate the news and tell me if you think of a possible event. She truly is unique as a performer.
Have a look at her playing one of her songs on YouTube. Search for "MadoJazz".
Apr 15, 2008
Apr 27, 2008