Sound and Resonance at Power Places

There are places with special energies, often anciently used as cult places or for healing. Accupunctural points of our planet. Some of these places have rooms with a very special sound or resonance tones, inviting to celebrate and go in resonance.

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  • Jens Mügge

    Hi Skye,

    thanks for all your comments on the comment wall of this group. There is another Gasometer in Augsburg ....

    Christian Bollmann writes to this video: "Nach seinem Konzert im Zeughaus Augsburg am 13.10.2010 führten Andreas Franz und Phillip Steigenberger Christian Bollmann zum Soundcheck in den Gasometer Augsburg. Vielen Dank für dieses fantastische Klangraumerlebnis."

  • Skye Løfvander

    Venues on Iceland, British Isles, Denmark, Germany and Iran have been added to the map after my attention was led to this wonderful article:

  • Jens Mügge

    Thank you Skye, for all your good work!