If you are well acquainted in theory and / or practice in vocal technique, harmonics and overtones, I would greatly appreciate if you put in a little time to answer the questions in this link below. Best wishes Dag Arvid ThelleSurvey on…
Stuart Hinds explains in this video how to teach overtone singing to your choir. You will find it actually on Stuart Hinds website stuarthinds.com - enjoy!
Hi there, I found an instructional video about overtone singing which I believe could be really helpful. The owner of this video - David Stützel - writes about this video: "that I can play an overblow with the velum fully…
Does Khoomei actually translate to the throat or the singing? It appears that 'throat singing' is the term westerners bestowed on the form much like 'didgeridoo' is the western word for 'yidaki'. Harmonic singing' refers only to the harmonics, 'harmonic chanting' only refers to the chanting option,…
I found this document in the world wide web published by Igor Olivier Ezendam - member of this network and I feel free to paste a widget with his Open publication - Freeing the Voice - Vocal Harmonics Seminars - A short tutorial on…
Rowan Hartsuiker created a very useful video and added it to YouTube with Khoomii (throat singing) lesson by Sundui. Rowan was so friendly to give an English translation about this…
Arjuna, member of Overtone Music Network, provides on his website www.harmonicfuzion.com his concept of harmonic singing. If you would like to know…
I know,most of us manage workshops, lectures, private lessons about overtones and voice, and it is right we ask a fee to partecipate.It is a free network, and nobody ask to disclose own vocal secrets, but ...I think there are many experts but many novices too, or people that try to learn…
Greetings friends,We are having this discussion at the khoomei forum and I thought that some of you might find it interesting or beneficial. URL is…
By this app you can understand and look at the vocal tract movements and their audio effects. You can modify the resonance cavities (and formants) that are in relation with our timbre perception.The source of a vocal sound is a periodic complex signal, full of harmonic frequencies that will be…