OMN Compilations

We want to create an OMN Showcase about our artistic works. People in the world will be able to download our virtual CD, with cover package, for free.

How to share big file

I suggest to you this FREE web service, it can be useful for us to share big wav file (or other kind) for example for this project.

It is very simple:

You can upload a file or multiple files not over 2 Gigabyte and you can send them to multiple email addresses (using comma).

The files stay on Wetransfer servers for two weeks, then they will be deleted.
If I send to you a file, you receive an email with a link for the download.

Other web services you know? Yousendit, Dropbox, ..., other?

Happy new year!
  • up

    Marco Tonini

    Thanks Christopher, but...
    my question was rhetorical, we all know many hosting services, so I meant simple and fast services, without sign up/login or registration to PRO or PREMIUM versions, without complex rules for common people, without banner, without long wait before download, a service that assure that your files will be deleted from servers, ...
    I think there are too little services with these rules, but anyone is free to use what he wants.