Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Once again, thanks a lot - Marco -  for this list of free software. I am learning how to use some of the effects by audacity.



Some days ago I recorded a short video clip with a pocket camera (Samsung NV-9) - then I converted with the Free Studio from dvdvideosoft.com the audio track in to a WAV file and made some experiments with audacity. It 's a nice process which makes really fun.


The Original sound track - converted from AVI to WAV with the Free Studio (great free stuff)


Variation II: a mix with the original audio track and some effects from audacity.


Variation III: completly new arrangement  using various different pitches what is one of the effects in audacity. I like this software to get a taste what's possible with audio software programs. I think it is good to improve my skills first with one free software and later it will be easier to use another program with more or maybe endless options.

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Replies to This Discussion

Geez I wish I had some good things to say about Audacity. Sure, it's free, but I can only load one audio file at a time or it will open in a new window. Cross-fading between two clips is therefore not supported, neither are VST plugins. I encourage everyone to acquire it, because we all need decent audio software, and this thing is doing the job fine. I just like more bells and whistles, if you will.
Oh, my current Audio suite is Adobe Audition 3.0, which does MIDI, multitrack, advanced waveform editing, spectral displays, crossfades, generates tones, loads any and all kinds of plugins and rips CD audio as well as extracting audio from video files. I use it to edit foley tracks for my videos, if they need them and mix everything with music. I would share the results, but YouTube has blocked the audio in Northern America due to "copyright" issues.

Hi Dan,


I am a beginner using audio software. Yes, it is true that you can load only one audio file at a time. But you can create various stereo track lines at a time for one file. From the the other open window you can export the audio via copy and paste from the one into the other window. In this way you can mix various files too. Maybe complicated and if you have the licence for Adobe Audition 3.0 you can work of course with much more comfort on your PC. Yeah, I am writing about working with Windows and not a Mac. As a beginner it makes fun to "play" with audacity and make my first steps. I don't know if cross-fadingis not supported. There is one effect in the latest audacity version.But anyway I opened a new thread here in this group as a backlink to Marco Tonini's first post about free audio software. I like audacity because if you check out all functions carefully it is fine to use it as a beginner.


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