Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

I'm thinking to produce a compilation involving female overtone singers in OMN, I will contact some of them and I will attend they (if affected) contact me.
My concept: only voice or voice + few instruments.

DEADLINE: 2009, 15 November


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Replies to This Discussion

That's a great idea! My last newsletter to all German reading members was just to show that I was asked very often if women can sing overtones or not. Here you can find this newsletter to the German members.
Dear Marco!!

What a wonderful Idea!!
You can have my "Khaam Naar in Tannu Tuva".
This song was composed by me, is not listed at GEMA....etc.
it is just me & my Chanzi ( tuvan Banjo).
Kham Naar means Shamans Song in Tuvan & it was
composed by myself at my last Tuva-trip in the trad. Tuvan style!!

Greetings from Berlin!!


at the moment we have

Barbara Lübben
Anna Maria Hefele
Papa Jeah

Next 15 November = deadline for entering

Next days other news!

Another one!

Barbara Lübben
Anna Maria Hefele
Papa Jeah
Anna Raja
hola marco,

what a wonderful idea for the sisterhood to get together!
with all due respect to the acknowledged, and much appreciated, male dominion of the overtone world,
to develop the feminine aspect of this art (for female overtone singers and wannabes) can only do good.
the collective energy of the 'yin' voices would open up fresh new dimensions and enhance new facets of sound... and isn't that why we're all here, to learn and explore ?

molto bene and many grazies :)

Greetings Marco,
I recently joined the OMN & would like to have my music included in the Compilation involving female overtone singers & in the other OMN Compilation CD you're putting together.
I've been singing overtones since 1981 & composing music which includes overtone singing with cello ( which I play ), choir, orchestra, didgeridoo, Harmonic Whirlies ( musical instruments I've created which play harmonic overtones ).
I've collaborated with many different musicians over the years including a historic project with the Gyuto Monks of Tibet, which led to us creating a CD together called 'Sounds of Global Harmony' . ( see my websites : http://www.sarahhopkins.com & http://www.harmonicwhirlies.com )
Many of the pieces I've composed include both women & men singing overtones. Can I include these pieces for consideration or do you only want women's voices singing the overtones ? Please let me know .

The pieces I'd like to email you for consideration on both Compilations are :

1) The Temple Within (1990) (6'11")
- for solo voice : overtone singing with digital effects

2) Remember the Joy (1999 ) (6' )
- for overtone singing, harmonic whirlies, windchimes, cello & shakuhachi

3) Past Life Melodies (1991 ) ( 7'03" )
- for mixed voice a cappella choir (including overtone singing)
This piece is the most performed Australian choral piece in the world !

4) Honour the Earth (2000) ( 8'51)
- for choir & orchestra (with overtone singing, Harmonic whirlies & didgeridoo)

Marco , I'll try & upload these four MP3 files here. If you don't receive them could you please email me another email address for you which I can send you these files.


All good wishes, Sarah Hopkins
Hi Theresa,
thanks for your words.
I hope this project can cause a stir!
Hi Sarah,
thanks, at first you have to upload your tracks on your personal page here in OMN. It is the essential requirement. Then I'll listen to them.
They have to be FREE from PROFIT COPYRIGHT SOCIETIES, it is the second essential requirement.
I need to explain this: here I am not a judge, only I prefer experimental sonorities for this project, it is a my personal taste.
I'm waiting for your uploads.
Stay tuned!
Another... cool!

Barbara Lübben
Anna Maria Hefele
Papa Jeah
Anna Raja
Monika Sramlova
Hi again Marco,
Thanks for your swift reply !
As requested, I've uploaded one of my compositions onto my OMN page.
It's called 'Remember the Joy, Life is Sacred' . It's for overtone singing, Harmonic Whirlies, cello, Shakuhachi & windchimes. I'm playing cello & overtone singing (& I've created the Harmonic Whirlies which are played on this track ).......
Now that I know that you're looking for smaller scale pieces - overtone singing with a few instruments- I feel that this piece is probably the most suitable for the Compilation of female overtone singers.
Please have a listen & let me know what you feel.
All good wishes, Sarah Hopkins
Ok, we are a good number of female members.
I think we'll create a great compilation, I have some ideas about.
Wait for my news.
Thanks to all of you

1 - Arjopa
2 - Barbara Lübben
3 - Sabe
4 - Anna Maria Hefele
5 - Papa Jeah
6 - Liora
7 - Anna Raja
8 - Monika Sramlova
9 - Michele Averard
10 - Sarah Hopkins
Thank you Marco! Great job!


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