Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

I found this document in the world wide web published by Igor Olivier Ezendam - member of this network and I feel free to paste a widget with his Open publication - Freeing the Voice - Vocal Harmonics Seminars - A short tutorial on overtone singing based on the Vocal Harmonics seminars with Igor Olivier Ezendam (www.feelingsound.com)

Open publication - published on issuu.com

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Replies to This Discussion

What a great publication. I ate it up...
Hi Dan, I can't believe that someone replied again in this group by Marco Tonini. Thanks for your response! I found this widget one week ago and thought the same like you. Soon I will sign up issuu.com to download this publication - if it's possible - on the hard disc of my PC. It`s really a helpful and inspiring document! All the best, Jens
What got me was that its conventions are clear and concise, easy to understand and obviously well researched.

Interesting that you can't copy and paste the text itself... Don't know much about XML documents, but PDF can be just saved to your drive, or copied and pasted into a new file...

Let me know whether anyone needs a translation of this...
I could download it if I would. But right now I am traveling and using only a small netbook. Maybe we should ask Igor Olivier at first to translate his publication? Good idea! He is member of this network . A translation would be easier to understand ...
I understand it just fine. But then I have been researching and studying for a year...


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