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These movietrailers are not really new - they are from 2005 but I found them just now and I enjoy the impressions: "Roaring Hooves" and "Tuurain Tuvurguun - In a country which is moving and going ahead". A movie about the biggest international music festival in Central Asia in the Gobi desert of Mongolia. For further information about this movie please visit www.mongoleifilm.de Roaring Hooves -Trailer- Tuurain Tuvurguun -Trailer- Producer: Tobias Wulff Producer: Tobias Wulff Narrator: Lindsay Thomas © 2005 AVINTH MEDIEN SCREENINGS: Kultkino Basel, Schweiz Kino im Künstlerhaus, Hannover OffBroadway Kino, Köln Kommunales Kino, Freiburg Kino am Ufer, Berlin TV Südbaden Theater Heppel & Ettlich, München |
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