Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

What's Changing — and When?

The Latest News

That's an overview of some important changes on Ning - the open social netzwork provider of Overtone Music Network. These changes can  maybe affect the future of OMN. This announcement  spotlights news and share insightful comments about this announced  change.

"Many of you have posted questions about when we will phase out our free service and how much time we will give you to make a decision. I want to assure you that we will give you adequate time to evaluate the changes and transition to the new paid service. We plan to roll-out this new offering in early summer. Once the  changes roll-out, we will give you ample time to make a decision to move to the new paid service. In other words, you will have a minimum of 10 weeks to transition."

  John McDonald
VP, Advocacy

All the News About Upcoming Changes to Ning

We recently announced we'll be phasing out free Ning Networks, and we've chosen May 4th as the date we'll *officially* be providing details about changes to our plans and pricing. Until then, we've created this page for Creators to spotlight some of the unofficial news and conversation that's happening.

You may be asking yourself: What does this mean for my Ning Network? What do I have to do right now? Nothing will be changing immediately, and we'll be contacting each NC via email with specific details. We're very excited about the upcoming plans and pricing. We think you will be, too.

Thought-Provoking Discussions

Mythbusters: 3 Things We *Aren’t* Doing on May 4
(April 20th) I know there’s been some confusion and a number of  rumors circulating about what we will announce and then roll-out in early summer. I wanted to take a minute to let you know three of the things we aren’t planning on doing on May 4.  Read more.

What Features the Next Generation of Ning Must Have
(April 19th) We didn't choose Ning back in 08 because it was free but because we felt it was the best platform on the market at the time.  We literally have thousands and thousands invested into our networks, and these are just a few features the next generation Ning need to provide to stay the top dog of the social networking platforms and keep its premium customers. Read more.

Ning Changes Will Benefit Serious Network Creators and Their Networks

(April 18th) I truly believe Ning have made a sound business decision that will ultimately benefit serious Ning creators. If the proposed changes are going to result in better services and more innovative applications for serious users I cannot see why people would not welcome the prospect. I do appreciate that many creators have networks that are not for profit or, directly for charitable  fundraising, and I think Ning should look long and hard at these networks. I support the view that such sites should be free or greatly discounted. Read more.

The Best, Most Reliable and Trusted Freemium Social Network Alternatives

(April 16th) I have been running my premium Ning network since 2007. I am an expert when it comes to Social Network Communities and have helped over 5,000 Ning network creators with their Social networks in some shape or form. There are going to be websites trying to get your business because Ning is changing their policy on freemium Ning networks. Most of you will have no clue who to go to and who to trust. I want to talk to you about the best free solutions  available to you as a free Ning network creator. Read more.

What Network Founder Are Saying

replyCraig Zelizer: "I am hoping that in the pricing models that come out that Ning does keep premium support affordable for smaller networks or volunteer ones like mine. Although we got a lot of traffic, this is not a commercial venture, just an effort to make the world a better place, and there are many similar networks run on Ning."


Tom: "I create lots of networks to see what is viable. If something works, I become a paying premium member. I thought the free networks were a great way to generate more paying premium members, but I guess it didn't work out that way."


Curtis: "I will be curious to see what's next for paid member sites  and if there is going to be a price increase. Time will tell, I suppose. I am Ning's worst critic, but I have seen some really nice improvements in the last 5-6 months that have really quieted my anger."


Liz McLellan: "I don't mind that they may have to do things a little differently. I am in business too, and I may have to make the same sort of decision, but I need my content and I need a stable, reliable path in the staying direction and in the leaving direction."

Internet Punditry

Lots of folks have lots of opinions about Ning's change of direction. Bold  business move? The end of freemium? Seems like everyone has an opinion, and we'll be collecting some of the most interesting opinions here. Check back
in for running commentary:

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