"I have an improvising group with overtones and extended vocals: Midbrain Surfers. Visit: midbrainsurfers.com"
a common space & database for harmonic overtones
As I have written here you have some options to change the layout of your my page. I am not a programmer so I have to use the software of an open social network provider and changes in their software also affects this social network for overtone music. One change is now: to make it easier for members to communicate via the comment wall, the provider has changed the default layout of your My Page. The Comment Wall appears now directly below the Activity feed, the Discussions feature will move above the Groups feature, and Videos will move to the left column. This change will only happen on a member’s My Page if he or she hasn’t customized the layout. And going forward, you are still be able to customize the layout of your My Page to find the look that’s right for you. |
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