Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

Concerning to my invite to various groups on Overtone Music Network I have to post now this thread just to explain what's happened behind the scene. First I thank all of you who responsed to my group inviation and more than for your feeback posted as comments to these groups. Now what's happened behind the scene.

I am confused since I organized a concert with Stuart Hinds here here in Berlin in March and the GEMA charged me a fee that Stuart - member of ASCAP - performed his own music. What the GEMA is doing is not quite clear for me. But  to know more about this organisation and their juridical force I found out that I have to accept one point: they can oblige me to purchase a licence that I have the right to host compostions which underlies the protection of the GEMA. Since they claimed to protect also compositions by Stuart Hinds - member of ASCAP - and I had to pay a fee for the concert which I organized official for him - I am quite confused about the juridical situation. And excuse me: I have not the monetary power to consult an advocate for this issue. As I started this network in July 2007 I did that in a simple mind and I had to learn many, many new things which are not related with my way of lifestyle. Now I have to ask myself and you too if we can collect the amount of yearly 150 € for this GEMA. Here are the prices and conditions for websites - written in German only. So the extract: if you can categorize OMN as private website they price for licence is cheaper than for a non-private. I have to count with 37 € or up to  150 € or maybe 360 €.  I know that some members of this network were very generous and they donated 2008, 2009 and 2010 for the maintanence of OMN. Thanks a lot to all of you.

Difficult to say if you can call Overtone Music Network a private website.  We have more than 120.000 clicks in one year - but I don't earn money with this site. OMN is mentioned on various article on Wikipedia. Today I can find more than 2,670,000 entries with Overtone Network at yahoo.com - since two years I spread the word about this network and overtones in the world wide web to optimze the search engines results for this site. This site has page rank 4  and there are some other points that members of this network embed their member badge with joy to their websites or MySpace profiles.

But back to my point: paying 150 or up to 360 € will be too hard for me and if I have to pay this price for my hobby and have to switch to another cheaper one. I am not able and willing to pay for licence to GEMA.  I am willing to pay each month 25 € to the provider of this network since more than 2 years - because I know they are doing always a good job since 3 years and there is no such thing as free lunch. But I am not willing to my saved money to the GEMA. If they will charge me I have to switch off this network until I collected the money to pay the not only the rent - just for the service charges too. I have set up an own special paypal button for this purpose. The money for this purpose will be used to purchase a GEMA licence for this site only.

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Please, Jens: until which date you have to pay this? Maybe I can help here, but it depends on that information.
Dear Ayla, maybe I shall pay for a licence since musicial content "protected" by the GEMA is hosted on this site. To be on the safe side I should pay yearly 150 € as soon as possible but if I start to accept this fee I have to purchase each year, year by year, a licence for this network. Let us wait if or what other members of this network will post to this thread. That the provider will phase out their free services seems to be the right time to re-think the existence of this network. Two days ago I read these thoughts:

"If you’re the creator of a social network, you should probably be passionate about the hobby, interest, community or business you decided to build a network around. And you should be attracting and enlisting equally passionate users as part of your community management plan. If you and your community can’t find a way to pay a modest monthly fee for the goods and services you use in your network, you might have one of two problems: You’re not passionate enough to moderate a community on your topic, or your topic isn’t inspiring your network to keep it afloat. [...]

Even if you’re a nonprofit or a hobbyist, running any kind of website is a business. If you’re not able to pay a small fee for the resources you use, you might want to consider a free or inexpensive multi-author blog instead."

and I wrote here that I have to switch this network in the offline modus. That is always an option - because I don't like to be a slave of a contract with Ning or the GEMA. If I purchase one time a licence for this site I have to purchase it each year - and if Ning decides now to phase out free open social networks what will happen at the moment if I can't pay for premium services anymore? I am waiting for other contributions to this discussion here. Do you know to how much members I send these group invitations and how much responsed until now? Less than 10 % of all members ...

Yes, I see your big problem: you are two thing to pay :-S ok I will wait May 4th for to know Ning prices and I will read you again. Nos I go to the other discuss.

Yes, that is what I mean with: I have to pay not only for the rent (=Ning Premium Services) - I have to pay for the service charges (=GEMA Licence) too.

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