Issues we're working on:
- the music player does not display your personal page design setting. This issue was reported by a member and we forwarded this issue as ticket #00428190 - We stay in contact with the provider since April 9th (!) and they wrote us, that they are still working on it to bring back the full design options for your music player on your profile page.
- The subtab bar does not work proper on each pages. We have noticed this issue and send a report ticket #00434240 to the support team and we're still waiting that this issue will be fixed soon.
- We're still working on some new tutorial videos e.g. how to use our new text editor for discussions, blog news. comments and event entries. Please be patient! It needs a little bit more time.
- It seems that the latest activity feed has a bug. It does not display if some members, uploading new songs - but we feel so sorry - we're getting with this issue cause we have reported this dozen of times. Please: if you are one of these members - post a new status message that you have added new songs ... As member of this network - please check out the Recently Added Music Pieces page. Thanks, JM.
Please send us your feedback the admins of OMN or send a message to the founder of OMN. We keep it seriously.
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