Overtone Music Network

a common space & database for harmonic overtones

»Overtone Music Network« or with capital letters: OMN is a free multifunctional portal and platform for overtone music and for all who enjoy this kind of overtone music. It is for all who are interested in the magic of harmonic, polyphonic and overtone music. If you are a member of this network you can improve your contacts to overtone musicians worldwide and create your own songlist of 100 songs of this platform. As an overtone musician you can share your ideas and conceptions about overtone and harmonic music. The special kind of OMN is that you can listen songs by musicans who are sharing their music with you for free. In this way OMN is a non-profit network. If you like this kind of music which contains elements of instruments with a high content of overtones like a didgeridoo, gong, jew's harp, singing-bowl, tambura or other instruments and as well overtone, harmonic or throat singing stay in contact with these musicians and enjoy their concerts, workshops and events worldwide. Check out our event calendar! In this way OMN is a buisness network.

What are Overtones?
In most cases where a sound is created by natural means (such as a musical instrument or the human voice), a number of higher tones is produced in addition to the fundamental pitch. These higher tones are called overtones, partial tones, or harmonics. The sequence of these tones is called the overtone series, harmonic sequence, or sequence of natural tones. The combination of the fundamental and the overtones is the frequency spectrum of a tone.

The Goal of OMN is to present the multiplicity of harmonic and overtone music on one platform. Overtone Music Network would like to facilitate the unity, community and personal ties among musicians and non-musicians.

OMN is a business portal for overtone music. Five Network Sponsors made it possible that I could purchase all Ning Premium Services. They paid 60 € per year until June 2009. This includes for you as a musician that Overtone Music Network is a platform to promote your overtone and harmonic music. You can post informations about your concerts and workshops in the Event Calendar and news about CD releases and other informations in your own My Page - for example in your own Blog.

Please don't spam. What is spam? Spam is posting the same message repeatedly across the network. Spam is writing the same post or comment over and over again. Spam is sending the same message to multiple members. - This includes for you the possibility sending same messages to all friends by your friend list - but please don't write the same message in member's comment wall.

Content Control
The administrators of this platform are authorized to approve new photos and videos before they appear in the network. The administrator have to delete each kind of content which contravenes the OMN Guidelines and Terms of Services. Members who repeatly violate this conditions can be banned from this network.

Cooperation Partner
I stay in contact with Armin from Austria - founder of the music.web.radio - an exquisite austrian webradio - you support our cooperation when you visit this webradio by clicking on the Logo on the main page. You can contact Armin from music.web.radio here.

Latest Activity
The latest activity is very important. You can download the RSS feed of the Latest Activity to see who uploaded new content or create new events on OMN.

How You can be listed on the List of contributors?

It's easy:

- add three of your own songs or/and videos to your my page,
- create an own page theme setting (webdesign)
- join some of the featured groups
- invite your friends
- start a general discussion in the Forum of OMN or a specific group
- add an event - people want know where are you in concert.
- with simple words: broadcast yourself on YouTube and embed your videos on Ning and your profile will be featured as a contributors. The places are each week in rotation.

Artworks will be featured. It is possible to show up to 100 photos at one time on the start page. So OMN needs an adminstrator who can manage to present the photos of OMN on the start page.

The event calendar is very useful and if you can create an event very early it will be find by Google. Check out your Options!

Please, EDIT your PLAYLIST under the music player and upload an image or artwork to your song and I will feature other songs too. The size of this image should be 200 px width and 200 px height. If you have a MySpace Music account it is possible to upload your MySpace songs on OMN too. If you use the (Java) BULK UPLOADER you can upload all songs at a time and you edit basic informations for all songs at a time. It is the same for photos (100 at a time) and videos (30 at a time).

OMN doesn't support MySpace videos yet. The preview of related MySpace Videos is unfunctional. It doesn't works on OMN. If you have the copyright of videos and the file is greater than 95 MB you can use
the free YouTube to iPod converter for Windows from DVDvideoSoft.com. Try at first the preset »iPod - High Quality« by converting the video file to MP4. If the file is greater than 95 MB you can try the preset »Standard Quality«.

OMN is a multifunctional platform under the Disclaimer, Terms of Service and Privacy Police on Ning. OMN is for people who are interested in the magic of harmonic and overtone music. You can join in and leave this network whenever you want. Only four profile items are required. You do not have to pay any kind of contributions for your membership. Your registration and your membership on OMN is free. You can donate or support this free proposal - that would be helpful. Your donation makes sure that this network gets a solid base and supports musicians in the beginning of their musical career mediately too.

Network Sponsors
I am thankful that I have found sponsors for the purchasing of all Ning Premium Services to use an own domain. The price is about 30 € per month and each sponsor pay 5 € per month - not more because they are musicians too! Please notice the background informations about Ning. and read all five Guidelines, - then you can recognize the concept of this network. Do you want to know who are a Sponsor of OMN until June 2009?

Any questions? Contact me please!

This content has been seen 30 times

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