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Sarasvati Bhagavatī performed by the Heart Lotus (Aleah & Henning)

The Heart Lotus, consisting of Aleah Gandharvika and Henning Hantelmann, performed this kirtan on the first of March in 2023 in the Yoga Vidya center in Horn-Bad Meinberg. This kirtan, Sarasvati Bhagavatī, was the first song that they performed that evening.

Saraswati, the goddess of learning and wisdom, married Brahma, the creator god. As his wife, she becomes the mother of all creation.

The word "Saraswati" means: the one who gives the essence (sara) of one's self (swa). Also: "the flowing one". Saraswati represents an ever-flowing stream of divine grace. It also stands for the human ability to think and to discriminate.

Bhagavati, the Exalted , the Venerable, the Worshipful , a name of Goddess , Durga , Kali , Lakshmi and Saraswati . While Bhagavati is particularly used in the context of Durga, the other aspects of God or Goddesses are also Bhagavati, venerable or worshipable.

So Bhagavati is the name of the divine mother , name of the goddess or also the respectful invocation of the goddess. When one wants to address God, one can also say Bhagavan , and Bhagavati to address Goddess. One can also to Mary or to all divine manifestations of saints turn . A prayer can go like this: O Bhagavati, please awaken our heart to you, please make us feel your presence , please lead us to the realization of the Supreme.

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Mantra/ kirtan chanting is a wonderful practice to open the heart and to feel divine presence

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Om Shanti

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