Vladiswar Nadishana is a South Siberian multi-instrumentalist and composer who is also involved in returning ancient musical instruments to use and "investigating the influence of modern sound electronics on the human energy structure." The more the scope of his work and talent sink in, the more one's natural / involuntary response tends to be pervaded by amazement.
hi vladisvar! we are friends on overtone network... i would like to get in contact with you and maybe invite you to austria..... please send me your private email, tel. nr. etc...... hope to hear from you,all best! hans
Hi again..I will read about the instruments...and the text in you web site....I really like to buy some of your flutes and mouth harps....I really like the qualitie ofyour work and art man...Good Luke !!! namkhay
Hi NAdishana..This overtone network was a real blessing and oasis for me because here in argentina r brasil, DONT EXIST THIS KINDD OF MUSIC OR INSTRUMENTS.... !!! I chek now your web site..Man..its really amazing !!!! really nice images, a lot of amazing instruments all the text !!! Congratulations...I will try to buy some cds for enjoy your music...And I will try to buy some instruments for me colection !! AWESOME !!! I have 10 cds in brazil and was a really good aceptation..I sold over 80.000 cds !!!! lets keep in touch Aloha !!! Obrigado !!! namkhay.(my web have like 8 songs in cd page) sorry its only portuguese :www.danielnamkhay.com.br)
Hello Vladiswar! I m doing great thanks!Glad you liked the sounds!When are you coming to Belgium again,was it september? I d like to come see you play.Winne
Om Ganga MaiyaJai Shri LakshmiJai Maharaniperformed by Sonya – vocals, ukuleleShivaprem – djembeThis mantra stands for purity, blessing and spiritual renewal...
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare performed by KatjaMaha Mantra, also called Hare Krishna Man...
Liebe NATURTON FangemeindeSpezielle Klangräume begleiten uns, seit wir uns zum erstenMal getroffen haben.Und das sind bereits 38 Jahre her!Eine andere bemerk...
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hi vladisvar! we are friends on overtone network...
i would like to get in contact with you and maybe invite you to austria.....
please send me your private email, tel. nr. etc......
hope to hear from you,all best!
an other connexion!!
tönendtanzende Grüße
You are amazing :o)
Your music and your voice haunts me :O)
finest greetings, fiona
all the best for you!
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