Very aware of the power of my instruments.Deny that I am a healer,although some people I have helped would disagree.I just play.
An ordinary man playing extraordinary music and NOT the other way around!
Gongs (4), Tibetan bowls,Tampura,Swarsangam,Shruti,Shamanic Drum,Spring Drum,Sansula and more jawharps/guimbardes than you can shake a stick at....
And of course my throat,nasal passages,tongue teeth and lips.
And a Boss bring them all together :)
Borg Diem Groenfeld(Holland) was my first overtone teacher.
Steev Kindwald is my friend and jawharp teacher (ain´t I lucky!)
David Hykes,Mark Atkins,Denra Durr,Charlie Mc Mahon and the guys from Airvault Festival (France)have all been on my path.
Better mention Pink Floyd,Tangerine Dream and Jimi Hendrix, Without whom etc etc............
I live in Hamburg and I work in Europe!
I will get a new spaceship soon which makes my existance even more flexibel,...
please check the date for the spiritual healing festival jn august; great festival to stay and have lot of fun with many great people!
haev a best cosmic weekend!
Liebe NATURTON FangemeindeSpezielle Klangräume begleiten uns, seit wir uns zum erstenMal getroffen haben.Und das sind bereits 38 Jahre her!Eine andere bemerk...
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My father and my grandfather forged small dinner-gongs. On this basis I developed an new kind of gong-forging since 1994.
You can hear this gong on my page, if you listen to "In die Stille"
have you ever seen a Gong like this?
I will get a new spaceship soon which makes my existance even more flexibel,...
please check the date for the spiritual healing festival jn august; great festival to stay and have lot of fun with many great people!
haev a best cosmic weekend!
Another connexion!!
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