Hello, I am a young singer and multi-instrumentalist from the South of Germany. Some years ago I discovered the beauty of overtone chant and since then it is a wonderful part of my artistic life
As a band we are:
SeidrSound - Drone music of the Moment
Drone music is the idea of creating music using the effect of different notes in relation to a drone note, a fundamental vibration, that is consistent throughout the hole piece of music.
SeidrSound's way of improvising with this effect works with the feeling of being well grounded and using different scales in relation to a chosen drone note to achieve different expression possibilities.
Using the didgeridoo, voice, overtone chant, percussion and the bouzouki played in a special way always using one or two strings as drone notes, the idea of improvisation appears in simply playing and singing what comes to mind. This is 'drone music of the moment'.
Liebe NATURTON FangemeindeSpezielle Klangräume begleiten uns, seit wir uns zum erstenMal getroffen haben.Und das sind bereits 38 Jahre her!Eine andere bemerk...
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