a common space & database for harmonic overtones
Tserendavaa & Tsogtgerel
"Xöömij Overtone Singing from Mongolia"
CD/DVD 3017742- Buda Musique/Routes Nomades, 2008
Field Recordings, Photos and Booklet: Johanni Curtet
You can order it on this link:
Dörvön Berkh
"Four Shagai Bones, Masters of Overtone Singing"
CD PAN 2100 - Pan Records/Routes Nomades, 2010
Recordings, Photos and Booklet: Johanni Curtet
An Anthology of Mongolian Khöömii
2 CDs Routes Nomades / Buda Musique, 2017
Some recordings, Photos and Booklet: Johanni Curtet
Informations: https://routesnomades.fr/en/anthology
CD Routes Nomades / Buda musique, 2020
Artistic advisor, booklet: Johanni Curtet
Infos: https://www.budamusique.com/en/catalogue/view/1151/jangar/
Other CDs, as an artist:
Meïkhâneh, La maison de l'ivresse (2012)
Meïkhâneh, La Silencieuse (2017)
Informations: http://www.meikhaneh.com/en/home/
Urbi & Orbi live, création autour du chant diphonique by Pierrick Lefranc (2014)
Informations: https://plefranc.bandcamp.com/album/urbi-orbi-live-cr-ation-autour-du-chant-diphonique
Added by Johanni Curtet
Meïkhâneh's new album Chants du dedans, chants du dehors (Songs from Inside, Songs from Outside) will be released on Buda Musique label with international distribution on June 10th 2022!
Five years after La Silencieuse (Cas Particuliers/Buda Musique 2017), Meïkhâneh further affirms the Persian, Mongolian and European…
Posted on May 2, 2022 at 10:41am —
New book on Mongolian music to be released in April!
Mongolian Sound Worlds
ed. by Jennifer C. Post, Sunmin Yoon and Charlotte d'Evelyn, University of Illinois Press.
"Insights into musical place, practice, identity, and heritage that arise during moves from steppes to stage, Chinggis Khan’s empire to…
ContinuePosted on March 23, 2022 at 8:47am —
Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la tournée européenne de Khusugtun ce printemps! Une belle occasion d'entendre en live le set de leur dernier album "Jangar"!
We have the pleasure to announce Khusugtun 's European tour this spring! A great occasion to see their new album "Jangar" live!
Хөсөгтөн хамтлагийн Европын аялан тоглолт энэ хавар эхлэх гэж байна! "Жангар" цомгийн шинэ бүтээлүүдээр Франц, Люксембург, Швейцарь, Бельгид уулзацгаая!…
ContinuePosted on March 23, 2022 at 8:41am —
Meïkhâneh records its new album in August and September 2021
Chants du dehors, chants du dedans -"Songs from the Outside, Songs from the Inside"
To be released in January 2022 on the Buda Musique label
Available in mid-December 2021 for crowdfunders only
You can help us!
The Songs from the Outside and the Songs from the Inside echo what sings…
ContinuePosted on September 6, 2021 at 11:09am —
I am pleased to announce the publication of a special issue entirely dedicated to khöömii of the "Asian Music" journal, in which I participated:
Transregional Politics of Throat-Singing as Cultural Heritage in Inner and Central Asia, a special issue
ASIAN MUSIC, Volume 52, Number 2, Summer/Fall…
Posted on September 6, 2021 at 11:00am —
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Hey Johanni,
how are you?
I tried to meet you with Andrew Colwell last July in Ulaanbaatar,
unfortunately you were too busy with work. We surely meet next time!
Greetings from Holland,
R.I.P.Tran Quang Hai said…
Je suis content que tu sois membre de l'Overtone Music Network.
Tu connaitras d'autres musiciens qui pratiquent le chant diphonique et d'autres compositeurs .
Il y a pas mal d'articles sur mon blog . Tu peux le visiter .
Tran Quang Hai
PS: Je te verrai le jeudi 17 avril 2008
N'oublie pas de mettre une photo de toi sous ta page : Johanni Curtet's page