GöG developed a new style of playing Didgeridoo, inspired by: african drumbeats, indian sitar, traditional yidaki masters, church organ, stories, songwriters and several duo- songs with Dori...
He played with Aborigines in the Australian streets aswell as at several European festivals. Good is never good enough for German Didgeridoo artist GöG - and that's why his reputation seems to be ever-growing.
GöG loves to play several voices at once.
Even when playing extremely ambitious polyphonic or odd rhythms GöG always manage to maintain irresistible grooves, keeping their listeners in motion.
Checking GöG's videos released on youtube and listening to his online sound snippets you'll be immediately caught by the dense yet delicate soundscapes.
GöG's music is unique, and it creates a fascinating new musical world: Bush culture meets jazz and funk, archaic rhythms are melting with highly energetic grooves.
GöG was born in 1968. Before he fell in love with the didgerdoo he was an artisan and a gifted overtone singer. From there it was only a small step towards the Didge. GöG wanted to develop a reproducible technique right from the start; nowadays he's coaching people with great success in many workshops and Didge clinics.
The most important basics of GöG's distinctive rhythmic style are founded in his enormous experience with african drumming as well as in various indian music influences.
Didgeridoo, percussion, sitar,
Afrika, India, Australia, Götz Schiemer, Dori and all our musicians
Hello Stefan, I am happy to welcome you on OMN. Since I heard you and have spoken with you in Schwaz I appreciate the professionalism in your music. Hope to listen some tracks here on OMN. Check out your options and if you have any questions please contact me directly ... all the best and hope to see and listen you soon.
Yours Jens
Liebe NATURTON FangemeindeSpezielle Klangräume begleiten uns, seit wir uns zum erstenMal getroffen haben.Und das sind bereits 38 Jahre her!Eine andere bemerk...
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Ok, I'm doing right now :-))
I send also to this other network WWF France
I really like work for our Blue Planet, I'm here ;-)
Thanks again and a big hug from Spain !! :-)
:o) I like your Black and White that was just featured !!! :o))
Good rhythm and good sound ... I like it.... thank youuuuuuuuuuu ! :-)))
Yours Jens