Hey Dylan!
you are welcome on OMN - for more infos about OMN see your Options, read my latest blog post OMN and its Growth - be Part of It - and please share some contributions. If you are a musician, we are happy to listen to some of your tunes, if you are an artist, we appreciate your artwork and if you are a lover of overtone music feel free to add upto 100 songs from our network to your page.
Sundra wanted to express through her painting A U M the importance that OMN is for all musicians/artists and overtone music lovers.
OMN network asks that you respect the guidelines of this network. Last but not least invite your friends and people who enjoy your songlist!
Stay tuned,
Jens - Founder of OMN
Liebe NATURTON FangemeindeSpezielle Klangräume begleiten uns, seit wir uns zum erstenMal getroffen haben.Und das sind bereits 38 Jahre her!Eine andere bemerk...
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great to have you here, flutemakers united...
good travels and strong legs!!
you are welcome on OMN - for more infos about OMN see your Options, read my latest blog post OMN and its Growth - be Part of It - and please share some contributions. If you are a musician, we are happy to listen to some of your tunes, if you are an artist, we appreciate your artwork and if you are a lover of overtone music feel free to add upto 100 songs from our network to your page.
Sundra wanted to express through her painting A U M the importance that OMN is for all musicians/artists and overtone music lovers.
OMN network asks that you respect the guidelines of this network. Last but not least invite your friends and people who enjoy your songlist!
Stay tuned,
Jens - Founder of OMN